Chapter 37 [Reader-Chan]

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I don't know who you are or what you want, but please just leave me alone!

That tail of yours swished back and forth. Part of you understood why "wild" could be used to describe hybrids here. If all you knew of yourself was your current behavior, then you would probably call yourself wild too. You locked eyes with the human. It was clear that your new attitude made them anxious. In an effort to calm you down, he kept his distance and raised his hands to show he was defenseless.

You almost bought the act.

"I'm not a threat, I promise you." He tried to reach out, but your paranoid brain mistook the action as a sign of aggression. "I just want to—"

You quickly picked up the closest object in your sight, preparing to throw it. A remote was deemed your weapon. The item wasn't threatening, and the man didn't take it too seriously. You still threw it at him, hoping to create some sort of diversion. The plan failed as he caught the remote with no effort. Out of ideas and still not in the right state of mind, you backed away. You ended tripping on your own feet and fell to the floor. You stared up at the man, expecting the worse. After all, that's all you've been experiencing.

"Just don't hurt me here..." You spoke in a hushed tone as you shut your eyes.

"I wanted to—" He got sidetracked by what you said. "Dispiace (Sorry), I didn't catch that. What did you say?"

"Don't hurt me here... I don't think the humans that live here want to deal with something like that again. And, oh, yeah, I can talk. But I bet you already knew that..."

The man looked saddened, offended even. He clutched his chest where his heart was. He crouched down to your level. You flinched when he brought his hand to your cheek. Breaths of air left your mouth. It took a few moments for you to realize he wasn't going to hurt. Crying soon followed. The man's face softened some more. He pulled you in for a hug. You didn't realize how much you needed one until you felt his embrace.

"Oh, Tesora, relax. Please. I promise I won't hurt you. I know what you have been through, tesora. I know. Calm down, per favore." He said gently.

The man was the one to pull away from the hug first, not you. He had an accent, one that you recognized once he started speaking more; Italian. The familiarity then made sense to you. His dark hair—which curled in similar manner like another Italian that you know of—appeared messy and unkept. You noticed some stubble on his chin and cheeks. His clothes, which you're noticing more now, were... Odd, to say the least.

His shirt looked far too big for him, almost reaching down to his knees. Even stranger, slash marks could be found on the sleeves and sides of the shirt. The most normal thing about his outfit was the pair of gray sweatpants he wore. You had nothing to say about his shoes, however. Not because they weren't bad, but because he had no shoes on at all; only black socks covered his feet. This man is certainly a mystery, but at least he hasn't done anything overly negative to you yet.

While he was the first one to pull away, you were the first to vocally acknowledge the obvious.

"...Who are you? How do you seem to know I am? Are you... Are you related to Feliciano at all? Do you know about me because of him?"

He seemed a bit uneasy by your questions, avoidant of them. However, he didn't have much trouble with telling you his name. He put a hand on your shoulder and started to guide you to the kitchen, responding to that question while doing so.

"I'm Romulus, but I've been nicknamed 'Rome' and 'Roma' throughout my life. You're free to call me any of those." He then held his chin, thinking about something. "Hmm... Yet only two people—besides my parents when I got in trouble—have ever called me by Romulus..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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