Chapter 4.5 [Hercules & Sadiq]

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His face held no emotions as his knees were the only support he had keeping him up. Hercules didn't know how to feel. You were lost somewhere in the whole universe. Could anyone think up of a bigger place to lose someone? He hoped you were alright; That you weren't in a dangerous place. Were you OK? Were you safe? Were you dead? He didn't know.

My friend. Hercules made up his mind to save you, and be your hero. But first he had to deal with the Akbash Inu, Sadiq; Whom was in the outside the room Hercules was in now. Every time I see him, I just want to punch him in the face. The cat he and you were discussing about earlier came up to him and started purring at him.

"Hello little friend." Hercules said as he pet the cat. "[Name] asked about you. Too bad I don't have a real name for you. Bob was only temporary so she didn't get suspicious of my actions." As he was rambling to the cat, Sadiq walked in the dark, hidden away room.

"Hercules! Is this the experimental thing you were working on? Looks like junk!" Sadiq was often blunt, especially to Hercules. The two have known one another for a long time, yet they never seem to get along. The Greek man turned his head to look at the incomer.

Sadiq was wearing his white mask. An accessory that didn't make sense to anyone. Yet, no one really cared too much to question him about it. The Turkish man has brown eyes and has a bit of an accent.

"What do you want you τουρκικό μπάσταρδος (Turkish bastard)?" Hercules asked with flattened ears and angry eyes. "Φύγε από μπροστά μου (Get out of my face)."

"No need to get sensitive with your fancy Greek language, Hercules!" Hercules put one of his hands up with all of his fingers stretched out. A traditional Greek mountza, the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger in other countries. "Yikes, why are you upset?"

Hercules sighed. The cat he was petting walked away from him and to another part of the room. From there, it curled into a ball an fell asleep. "Do you know what I am upset about?" Sadiq shrugged. Hercules sighed. "My friend, [Name], is gone." 

Sadiq seemed more interested now. You two weren't close, but you both were on good terms. Not as good as you and Hercules, but it was good. To hear that you were 'gone' was surely a surprise. 

"What do you mean by 'gone'?" The Inu was concerned. "Did she leave? I heard her speaking earlier." 


"Then where is she?"

"I can't tell you just yet." Hercules got to his feet and stood up. "First I need to tell you, or show you, what I've been working on." The Neko had his head scan the room. "Αναμμένα φώτα (Lights on)." The room became visible enough so that Sadiq could see his surroundings better now.

"Nice pla-" The Akbash Inu stopped mid sentence. At first, he couldn't really see to well. But now, he saw something out of a SciFi horror movie. "Hercules, that thing is what you've been working on?!" Sadiq was beyond shocked and confused.

"Yes." Hercules answered in a slightly tired, but monotone voice. It wasn't a big deal to him. Yet Sadiq was very impressed and shocked. "[Name] went into the portal, and, well, she possibly ended up in another dimension." He did all this with Sadiq having a very confused face and blank mind. After another few buttons were pushed, Hercules said to Sadiq, "Cover your ears."

The Turkish Inu did as told and covered his ears. But that wasn't enough to block out the recoiling noise. He let out noises discomfort and pain as his acquaintance barely flinched at all; A sign that he was used to the noise.

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