Chapter 12 [Reader-Chan]

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You and the two men were soon back home. Home. How long has it been? At least 12 hours had passed and already you were thinking that this was home. The thought troubled you, but you did your best not to overthink it.

There was only one bag in your hand. It disappointed you that that was all you could carry. Feliciano and Kiku carried the rest. Not only did they buy you clothes, but they bought food (which you liked) and furniture. The furniture was only stools. Feliciano told you he wanted to teach you how to cook, and that it would be much easier than dragging a heavy chair. Kiku on the other side said that a stool would be useful in case you ever needed to reach something upstairs.

The objects in your bag were a couple pairs of pants and food that was 'specifically designed' for hybrids. You didn't know why you had to have special food that was different, but you do know that it was delicious. It was very different from your dimension. The fruits you ate while you were there were the sweetest and juiciest fruits you ever had. Some really good gastronomy must have been done there...

You placed your bag down on their couch while the two brought their bags to Feliciano's room. You could hear them muttering about something and laughing. With curiosity, you sneaked over to the room they were in. Your catlike abilities made it so you could sneak up on things without being detected easily.

Laying on Feliciano's bed was a dress. But it wasn't a normal dress. You were looking at a maid costume. It disgusted you that they bought it without you knowing or having a say in it.

For some odd reason, you felt tears in your eyes. You didn't know why they were there though. Was it because that you thought they would care about you? That they wouldn't be terrible people that would harm you? This looked like it was going to be sexual harm. But what could you do about it?

After you slowly crept away, you headed to the kitchen. There was only one way you could think of to get their attention: Make a mess.

They acted like you were some animal when you clearly have shown signs of equal, if not smarter, intelligence. Well, if it was an animal they wanted, then an animal they were gonna get! You decided to come up with a plan to get them to treat you as an equal. If not, then you were going to try to run away.

You set up various plates and cups on the countertop. (Of course you struggled a bit.) You were very thankful you had a prehensile tail. That meant that you could grab objects with it. Not all hybrids had one, so you were lucky. It was pretty useful for moments like now.

Once you set the plates and cups up, you counted backwards from 5 in your head. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...! You jumped and swung your tail, knocking over the objects you set up. It surprised you that there was no shattering, the items seemed to be extra strong or made of plastic. Yet whatever the reason, you ran. You headed back to the closet on the second floor. With your sensitive hearing you heard Kiku and Feliciano hurry towards the cause of the noise.

You also heard them say your name multiple times. Both out of concern and annoyment. Both quickly and quietly, you hid in the closet from earlier and shut the door. It was a terrible hiding spot, but if it looked like you passed it, then maybe they'll skip it. You had opened a window before going in the closet. An edge that was thick enough for your was underneath it.

A shot in the dark was the best way to describe your plan. Also, the closet was a bit more cramped since they added stuff in there. A box of face masks and toilet paper joined you while you were hiding. You put one of the masks on in case they brought out the catnip. It irritated you greatly that you've been drugged multiple times now. But you figured that once you run away, you wouldn't have to be near it ever again.

The frantic scurrying and footsteps signaled that Kiku and Feliciano were looking for you. A part of you felt bad, but there was another part that made you feel angry. Was that the part that lead you to do this? Probably.

"[Name]! Here, here gattina! Please don't let Ludwig get involved! He already wants to get rid of you!" Feli said. He sounded pretty concerned, and he didn't seem like he himself wanted you gone.

"...That bastard..." You thought you whispered that. But it was loud enough for Kiku to hear.

"[Name]? Feri, open the croset. [Name] are you hiding in there? Again?"

"No..." You said. The closet door opened anyway. It revealed you hiding behind face masks and toilet paper roll. Your ears were down in a guilty manner. They couldn't see what your facial expression looked like since it was covered by a mask.

"Did you think we were going to get the catnip?" Kiku asked. You nodded. You felt embarrassed once the previous emotions faded. Kiku sighed. "No we won't do that too much. It's bad for your hearth to be drugged up too much." I know. It's one of the first things they teach you in health class. You thought.

Kiku got on his knees to look at you. "What made you want to do that back there, [Name]?" He asked.

"Yeah, what?" Feliciano questioned as you shook your head.

"It was a stupid reason... Y-You wouldn't understand..." You meant that. They wouldn't know what it's like to wake up in a new setting and to be forced to be a pet. (Right now, however, you didn't understand why you were stuttering though...)

"You can tell us, [Name]! Besides, you're probably one of the only hybrids who can tell us anything!"

"N-No!" They both seemed taken aback.

"Perché?" The Italian asked.

"Dōshite?" Asked Kiku in Japanese.

You sighed. "Neither if you would understand. It's more of a species thing." They seemed confused by your choice of words, causing you to explain what you meant. "This isn't my world or dimension. I'm not meant to be here." You began moving your hands as you talked. "Call me crazy, but I'm not used to being treated as a pet! I saw the maid dress you have in there... A part of me didn't want to be confined, and that part thought that if I could prove to be difficult or missing, you would forget about me so I could find my friend."

Kiku and Feliciano looked at each other. They were exchanging words without talking. Their eyes did the talking for them. Feliciano was the one to break the silence.

"Who is your friend, [Name]?" He asked.

"His name is Hercules and he's a Neko like me. He is also the one who built the device."

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