Chapter 13 [Reader-Chan]

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"Excuse me for not understanding this. But what is this 'device'?" Kiku asked.

You sighed, "I'm not from here. Before this week I've never seen a human in person before. Hercules is one of my friends. He's another Neko, and he's really happy about that because he loves cats." Images of you and Hercules came to mind. You remembered the cat he brought into his office. You remembered being in school together. Sadiq also came to mind, but that Inu didn't seem to like you.

Hercules and Sadiq didn't get along too well. They had a rivalry that went back farther than they've known you. You've always thought that's why Sadiq didn't seem to like you; Because you got along with Hercules better. You were in a dazed state of mind. Feliciano and Kiku had to bring you out of it.

"But [Name], you didn't answer the question. What's the device?" Feliciano questioned as he snapped his fingers in your face. Kiku and him just looked at you.

"Hm? Oh! It's supposed to transport something or someone to another dimension. Y'know since there are like parallel universes or something." Do I call them dimensions or universes? Maybe Hercules would know. You thought. "Anyways, I miss Hercules and I miss other hybrids like me. It's probably taking a toll on me and my moods. I'm sorry if I've caused any trouble. I thought that maybe if I was, you guys would let me go. Or... Something like that."

"Don't do that! Ludwig is looking for anything reason to get rid off you! And I don't want you to go!" The Italian whined. He reached into the closet to try and hug you. But it was a bit awkward because he was in such a tight space with you. To make things easier for him, you pushed him away to get out and hug him. Kiku looked shocked at Feliciano's words.

"How the herr did you know that? He hasn't even tord me!"

"Ludwig writes in a diary and talks in his sleep!" Feliciano said. You laughed at the information.

"Seriously? I thought he was a big, scary man!" You said with amusement and laughter. Then, you realized that Feliciano might tell the 'big, scary man' what you said. "But he probably has his own issues..."

"He does." He continued. Care to elaborate, or nah? You said mentally. He didn't, just continued on to another topic. "But he also doesn't like hybrids. I'm so happy we got you though!" Feliciano's face lights up whenever he talks about you. You didn't know why though. But now his face turned sad and looked disappointed. "Do you like staying with us, [Name]? You seem like you aren't happy, and want to leave. I haven't had a hybrid since I was little, but I'm not that bad of an owner, am I?"

Guilt attacked you and your heart. Feliciano was so sweet and cute. (Even if you were the cute one to him.) You didn't want to hurt his feelings! Yet, you needed to go home. Your real home: The dimension from where you came from. You didn't belong here; You couldn't stay.

"Feliciano... It's nothing against you! I want to stay, really, I do. But I can't." An idea appeared in your head. "Once I'm gone, you'll probably have the chance to get another hybrid! A better one. By your at standards anyways... Or maybe a normal cat or dog?" Feliciano didn't look better, but he wasn't as expressive as normal.

"Wait. [Name], what are we going to do? You don't berong here, and you said this device or machine was back in your dimension. How wirr you find a way to get back?" Said Kiku. He made a good point. You didn't quite know. Hercules probably would and does know. Hopefully he's on his way to find you or creating something that'll help him find you. Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

"I got it! Where did I come from? I was in another area before coming to your apartment." You looked out a window. "And it was no city." You tried to remember the scenery when you first arrived here. "It had a lot of bushes that were big enough for me to hide in. I think a field was close by too..." A pistol grip was on your chin as you tried to recall your memories. The memory of you testing gravity came to mind. There were a couple of sticks lying around in that area. You couldn't help but smirk as you realized how stupid you were.

"We got you from Vash. He's an... Acquaintance of Rudwig's. Vash roves hunting and he makes a riving by catching hybrids that are wirld and escaped trained ones." The Japanese man said. "He usually works in open fierds and forests. Sometimes his sister herps with him. She does it because she rikes cute things though..."

"But watch out! He's often trigger-happy!"

"Feri, I think that's because you used to walrk around his home and yard without pants..." Small giggles escaped from your mouth. Feli pouted at your actions and was confused.

"What? I couldn't find them that day! Or days..." He said as he mumbled the last part.

From the time you've been here, and between the humans you've interacted with, life wasn't dull. There were ups and downs, but what situation doesn't? You decided to think of this not as a nightmare or crazy coma, but as a vacation or educational research trip. Yes, you didn't like your predicament, but there were live humans with you right now. Actual living, breathing humans! How long have you liked them? They were like unicorns or the tooth fairy. You have always been told to snap out of your fantasy and grow up. Well look who's laughing now.

Once you and Hercules grew up some more and got smarter, he's often tried to teach you (or reteach) basic sciences and theories. He especially liked testing the limits of it. Or was really developed in the philosophy of Schroder's Cat and the unknown. Hercules liked cats especially. He would've made a great vet if he picked that for a career choice. You knew that was one of the reasons why he was making a device that can be used as transportation to other dimensions: He said he wanted to pet a lot of cats.

Including whatever he's tried to teach you, and from what you've heard from him and Sadiq in their jobs, you learned a lot about the scientific theory and experimentation. You wondered if he would like to know more about humans. Or even befriend them. You have. So far, most of them are great! And you are sure he would feel the same way.

But... There's a chance you'll never see Hercules again if you stay. How could you tell him about this place and the humans if he's not even here? But what if he's here looking for you? If he is, then he might be in the area you landed in. You had to go check, yet you might need the approval of the humans whose care your in.

"How do you feel about a trip? I wanna go back to the place I first arrived at." You said before getting a bit shy and nervous. "And, if possible, maybe... You'll let me stay there?"

"I don't know if we can do that... Hey Kiku, didn't Ludwig pay for [Name]? He doesn't like money going to waste."

"I don't know... I do not think he would rike that... But if we're just taking her there, then he might allow that."

"Then it's settled!" The words came out of you with a tone of excitement. "Let's go to that place then!"

"Ooh! Mini road trip!" Feliciano said. This didn't make you very happy anymore. You couldn't stand that cage. After all, you were trying to get out not in!

"I was thinking... Maybe more of a bus?"

"We can do that too!"

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