Chapter 36 [Reader-Chan]

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The transition from the alleyway to the car was a smooth one. Things almost went back downhill again, but thankfully the conflict was resolved quickly.

You complained about the cage. However, Ludwig decided to compromise with you. You didn't have to go into the cage as long as you sat in the back with a seatbelt and had your feline ears covered. If you complied with that, then you could ride in the car without the cage. The country you were currently in had a law that stated that hybrids had to be in cages to ride in cars—only for safety reasons. That law apparently didn't exist in other countries, which made you wonder why such a law existed here. This thought, however, then prompted you to question another thing.

When you asked why Ludwig made the decision he did, he responded with a vague answer. As disappointed as you were by this, you found yourself starting to grow used to his ambiguous responses. You weren't bothered as much by his recent answer than his previous one, but it still would have been nice if he didn't respond so vaguely...

You sat next to the cage, one of the humans' hats covering your ears. (Ludwig vocally guessed it to be Feliciano's based off of the style.) The hat both looked and felt expensive and luxurious. You could tell it was soft just from a glance, the velveteen fabric projecting its texture. And the touch of it: You almost wanted to never move your hands away.

The thought of this object's cost was now in your head. To buy this hat back home, you would probably have to save up four paychecks worth of money, and even then you're unsure if that would be enough. You realized once again how much of a difference there was between you and these humans. Thinking too much about that tends to rile you up, which you knew you wanted to avoid, so you did your best to think about other things in your surroundings. Like the seatbelts in the car, for example.

Satin filled your thoughts whenever you touched the gray item, despite knowing the material was polyester. The car's seatbelts were bigger than you expected. You were worried about that at first, and desperately hoped that it wouldn't make Ludwig go back on his word. Fortunately for you, the seatbelt worked fine and there were no complications.

You rested your head on your knuckles and leaned on the car door, looking out the window. You watched the cityscape pass by. Only a small amount of people were out. If it were daytime, then you know that these streets would be full of busy pedestrians. The lack of civilians made it peaceful, in a sense. However, it may have been a little too peaceful as you grew drowsy and felt your eyes get heavy.

I'm not going to fall asleep. Not now. I need to stay awake. In an attempt to keep yourself awake, you rubbed and blinked your eyes. You then sat up straighter once you realized that those actions were failing you; You hoped that changing your position would also lessen your sleepiness. It did not.

You knew you were defeated once you started yawning. As soon as you did, you gave yourself the green light to finally close your eyes—but just for a few seconds, of course. Then you would open them again. I guess I'll just rest for a little bit... Nothing'll be wrong with that, right? There's still enough time before the car arrives at the apartment anyways. I'll be... Fine...

You took one last look at the upholstery in front of you, and at the city outside, before closing your eyes. Your breathing slowed until it reached a relaxed pace and your vision soon faded to black. It wasn't long until you were sleeping peacefully, dreamworld not too far behind...

...It was like waking up, the only difference being that your subconscious mind took control of the reigns. The first thing you noticed was the temperature. A bit warmer than a room's, but still not too hot nor too cold. The kind of temperature that just feels nice and comforting.

Your attention moved on from the temperature to your surroundings. The sky above you contained swirls of blue and gray, with clouds looking like painted on streaks of white. A strange collaboration of stormy and sunny. You stood on a grassy, highly elevated cliff. Lush green foliage resided by the horizon instead of civilization. The view, though almost foreign, was undeniably beautiful. It was nature in its most authentic form. You spun around, taking it all in.

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