Chapter 16 [Reader-Chan]

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"Mein little Bruder!"

You saw Ludwig standing frozen in time. You couldn't tell how he feeling. His face displayed a variety of emotions, but still very unreadable.

The person who said those words stood at the base of the door. You've seen a lot of hybrids and humans, however none of them could reach the level of strangeness as him. He had unkept, ruffled snow white hair and ruby red eyes. Albino? You wondered. The only thing that was the strangest was that he was a stranger. And strangers are always strange.

From behind the mysterious man, you saw Feliciano waving at the two of you. Kiku was behind him. Seeing the two made you realized that Ludwig didn't make a mistake with the address. But he was just as surprised as you were when the stranger came into view.

"Vhy are jou and jour friends here? Und here vithout telling me. This isn't another prank jou are pulling on me, is it?" Ludwig said. At least he knew the guy.

"The awesome me? Pulling a prank on the unawesome jou?" He thought about it. "Danke (thanks) for the idea!" The man pulled away to let Ludwig and you enter.

As soon as you were in the apartment, and the door was locked, Feliciano came up and hugged you. He had a tight grip on you, and you worried if he was going to break one of your ribs.

"[Name]! Why did you go? I thought I lost you! Where did you go?" He loosened his hold to look at your face more. Immediately you felt more guilt again. "You made me sad and worried..."

Kiku joined in on the conversation too.

"Hai. He was nervous the entire time on the bus back. He thought you would get rost forever." Kiku's eyes helped show how disappointed he was. "That's not very honorabre."

You didn't know what to say.

You put your head down in shame. In your defense, you didn't think this would happen. You thought that you get back home easily. Or even wake up from this crazy, fictional dream. A dream that is as crazy and enjoyable as Wonderland. Yet, neither of those things happened and you were left to deal with the consequences.

While your head was down, and after Feliciano released you to greet Ludwig, another person hugged you. They caught you off guard and startled you. You fell to the floor, your back touching it. They weren't any of your owners. But you've met them before.

"Yo, dude! I'm so excited to be at your place! What's with the sad look? And why's everyone upset? We should totally be having fun and getting those endorphins!" It was the energetic Inu from the hybrid hospital. His tail was wagging violently. If you remember correctly, his name was Alfred. Yet, if he's here, then his owner or his brother and his owner should be nearby. "Man, your place is nice! Iggy couldn't come though. Welp, Limey's loss." Alfred said, unaware he was crushing you. You needed him off-

"Alfred-! Please don't tackle her..." There's another... You turned your head to see his quieter brother. His voice almost never seems to go above a whisper. His tail hung between his legs. And in his hands was a polar bear plush.

After seeing him, you made a note not to go near him. He may look cute and harmless, but you remember that he gave his owner an object that drugs you. The last thing you wanted was to get drugged again in your new home.

"Aw, whatever dude. You're no fun." Alfred said as he pouted. He let go of you and got up. Yes, you could breathe again! He then went the kitchen. At least you assumed he went there. You heard Alfred announcing his entrance in there. All you heard before it got unclear was the Inu stuffing his face.

"Matthew, aren't you going to go be with [Name]? She's a mignonne Neko! I wish 'er charm was that good when she was a patient though..." A French voice said. You looked to another part of the room to see one of the doctors from the hybrid hospital. His long blonde hair was tied up in a bun and he was now casually dressed. He wasn't wearing a doctor's coat this time, thankfully. Still, you wondered what he was doing here.

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