Chapter 28 [Reader-Chan]

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[100% off topic, but 28 is one of my favorite numbers! :D I don't know why, it just is... Anyways, it's been a while since I did these beginning Author Note things. I feel like I'm turning back into late 2019 me... Creepy. Oh! If you've been binge reading (I know people like you exist...), then make sure you take a few breaks every now and then. Get some water, a snack, go to the bathroom... I don't know, just take care of yourself!]

"This is so annoying. I hate being in here." You said out loud.

"[Name], please, you know it's for your safety. We just want you safe." Feliciano replied.

"I would feel safer if I was wearing a seatbelt. I don't feel safe when I'm being shoved into a tiny space, in awkward positions!"

Tired of your antics, sighs were Feliciano's and your other human's responses this time. You understood why they were upset. But they failed to see your side of the situation.

How did I get in this again? Why did I get in this again? And in a dress no less too... Well, at least I managed to get in a position that is comfortable this time...

This aggravated you. It would aggravate anyone, really. While you tried to put up with whatever this dimension threw at you, this took your irritation to the next level. Physical signs of your discomfort were beginning to show.

It was the ears. The ears were always the first of the signs for you. Your ears were down and flattened against your head. Your tail was next to be used to identify irritation and anger in you. It started to twitch slightly, the tip of it curving and straightening again and again.

At first, you didn't notice that you were doing this. These actions were being preformed subconsciously. They didn't need much brain power for you to do. However, after feeling the cage's walls more and more, you realized that you were indeed doing this.

Why were they moving? Was the anger you built up during the day starting to show? Was that it? You hoped that that was all. You were probably getting upset and anxious. Now was a time to focus your attention to something else. You wished for a distraction from your mind. Any type of distraction. Thankfully, you got one.

"[Name], what do you think of Japan?" Feliciano asked you.


"Japan," he said again. "What do you think of it?"

Well, you did wish for a distraction. However, you were not expecting this question, or this at all. You thought that maybe the radio would turn on, or that you would develop a daydream. Being asked about another country was unusual, but it was still better than nothing.

You weren't sure what you thought about the country. When you were younger, you were supposed to go visit the country through school. Unfortunately, an incident occurred and you couldn't attend anymore. No one from school could. Which was fine, because you all went to a different country instead.

"I guess it's alright. Why do you ask?"

"Ah... No reason, [Name]. I was just curious..." He said, letting silence eat up the space between his sentences.

You were feeling suspicious of him now. What was he planning? You hoped it was nothing bad. That is, if he's planning anything at all.

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