Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Amy had done well for herself ever since she Graduated School, she'd progressed with helping Horses that needed her and entered a competition where she won 2nd prize of a Truck and a very large Trailer which held 4 horses, Tack and Feed compartment, and a living compartment, similar  to the Large Rodeo Rigs, she was now thinking of going to University to become an Equine veterinarian,then she met Carl a Rodeo Cowboy so she decided to do the faster course which meant she'd Graduate when she was 21.
Cal as he liked to be called was a gentleman to start with and Amy was a Little Nieve when it came to young men as her grandfather then her father who turned up after the crash, were too strict, so Amy didn't really understand the dangers she could find herself in plus she was too friendly which could be misinterpreted by some men.
As their relationship developed Amy noticed that Cal was becoming more Jealous of any attention that any male showed towards her and later she'd pay for it, he'd always hit her where it couldn't be seen, Amy couldn't understand the change in him unless it was like her father who had to many hits to his head. She really wanted out of this relationship but was scared of the repercussions from Cal.
Amy made sure she stayed away from any men, she even stopped going to Maggie's when Cal wasn't at a Rodeo,  she'd go if he was away and stay at the Ranch when he came back. Things improved because of what Amy was doing but Lou noticed that there were two Amy's,  one when Cal was home and another when he was away. Lou had her concerns but every time she saw them together they always looked happy. Amy did Love Cal but it was being eroded away due to his anger issues.

3 Years Later.
When Amy Graduated at 21 she was so proud of herself and started looking for a part time Job so she could continue working with Horses but Cal shot her down due to Male Customers, she was then offered a Job at Briar Ridge and because of Jesse's interest in Amy Cal went ballistic, they were in the Loft and Amy found the courage to stand up to him.
"I can't do anything right with you can I, men will see me at anytime whether I'm working or out shopping so what the hell is your problem or are you Just Jealous all the time, because I can't continue like this Cal".
"I want you to marry me baby".
"What,,, if your Jealous now then what the hell are you going to be like if were married,  you going to keep me locked up in the house".
"If I have to yes,  I don't like other men Looking at you".
"Then find someone ugly who no one will even look at, because I'm not marrying you".
Amy was on the floor then Cal grabbed her and gave her an ultimatum which only left her one choice so Amy said Yes, for now at least, then Cal did something she never thought he would ever do and stripped her clothes off, then his own. Jack and Tim were on a Round up and Lou was out as was Lisa. Amy had hoped for a more romantic moment but Cal Just used her.
Once they were dressed Amy went to walk out when Cal grabbed her arm pulling her back to him.
"You'll need this Amy". Cal then put a ring on her finger, "Now we're Engaged ".
Amy was upset and Lou could see that so asked what was going on and warned her no BS.
Amy told Lou she couldn't say anything otherwise she would pay  then showed her the ring.
"Omg Amy, I'm so happy for you ".
"Well at least you are, I didn't get a say in it".
"What do you mean Amy!!!! ".
"Nothing". Then she walked off.

Eight weeks Later Amy was in the Loft sorting out the Hay bales when Jesse Stanton turned up, Amy stuck her head out of one of the shutter Doors and told Jesse she was in the Loft, she opened both the doors so she could throw down some bales.
Jesse saw the Ring and they were arguing,  Amy didn't want either of them and told Jesse to clear off. Watching them was Cal.
After Jesse stormed off Cal went up and another Argument started,  Amy was honest with Cal that she didn't want either of them, they were both controlling and had tempers and she was fed up with it.
Lou got home and saw the Hay Bales on the ground but no Amy which was unusual, she parked up at the house and walked to the barn, there was no sign of her so went to go up to the Loft when she found Amy in a heap at the bottom of the stairs all bruised and bleeding.

Jack and Lisa walked into the hospital and went straight to Lou.
"What's happened Lou is Amy okay".
"I don't know yet, the doctors still with her, I found her at the bottom of the Loft stairs all bruised and bloody".
"Where's Tim".
"He's in Moose Jaw with Shane".
"Does he know whats happened ".
"Not yet, I thought I'd wait for the doctor".
Just then an Emergency came rushing in and as they passed Lou recognized who it was even though they were covered in blood.
"Omg, that's Jesse Stanton ".
Not far behind came Val Stanton.
"That Fiance of Amy's is going down for a long time for what he did to Jesse".
"VAL, Amy's in there as well and I think he did the same to her then threw her down the Loft Stairs".
"Lou, what you on about".
"Sorry Grampa,  but when I saw Jesse I thought he looked similar to Amy , this is Jesse's fault Val for what happened to Amy, I think Cal got Jealous and worked up because Jesse wouldn't leave Amy alone, you know as well as everyone else he's been after Amy, thats probably why the've both been beaten up".
"We don't know that Lou, Amy could of Just fell".
"Amy's  injuries are more than Just from falling down the stairs Grampa".

Just then a Doctor comes out looking for Lou.
"Ah here you are Miss Fleming Morris,
right are you all family".
"Yes  this is Our Grandparents Jack and Lisa ".
"Okay , well I have to tell you that the police are on there way I'm afraid,  your Sister was beaten up very badly and then I can only assume that she was thrown down the stairs,  do you know who could of done this to her".
"Yes, the same person who beat up Jesse Stanton, Carl Somerton,  he has Anger issues and very Jealous of any man who talks to my Sister from my observations especially Jesse Stanton".
"Omg Lou, he beat Amy up as well as my Son".
"Yes Val, Jesse kept popping in at Heartland and trying to convince Amy to Marry him instead of Cal,  he must of seen him and Amy talking or in Amy's case Arguing and his Jealousy must of got out of control.
Another hour passed and then the Doctor came out to see them as another came out to speak with Val.

Right, we've checked Amy over and she has a sprained wrist and a small fracture of her Cheek bone,  the rest is cuts and bruises,  you can take her home but I'll give you some pain killers, there not strong or Addictive Just a bit stronger than you can buy over the counter   she won't need any more than I give you so they won't be on repeat.  If Amy still needs pain killers then over the counter ones will do".

To be continued

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