Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ty was sat by Amy's bed, the doctors said that she'd suffered a concussion but would be alright, also her Pacemaker had an electrical fault which they had repaired, Ty decided to sit on the edge of the bed and lay his head on her chest holding her.
This was the first time in 3 months he'd been able to get close to her and he felt more like himself than he had in a long time.
After a while he felt her hand move on top of his head as she stroked his hair, Just the fact she was showing affection made him cry.
Amy could hear and feel him crying , she also knew that they weren't in a good place when they finally moved back. What Tim did rocked their marriage hard , more so for Ty as she was unconscious but he could see her life force flowing out of her, the problem was neither wanted to talk about what could of happened and she knew she was pushing him away.

"Amy!!!. I'm so so sorry for what I've done, there's no excuses, I was played by an ex friend , I only found out this morning when she let it slip".
"Who, Ty".
"Her name was Kerry Ann, I knew her from when I was a young teenager and she was trouble".
"WHAT, how the hell did she find you out here".
"The Clinic I suspect,  it was in all the Papers".
"What she said when I heard you were missing made me realise it was you she was getting at, she used me to get to you, I need to tell you about her".
"Not now Ty, I know we were not in a good place Ty, and I kept pushing you away,  I'm sorry my Love, but this is going to take some time you know  you and her".
"Please forgive me, I'll spend the rest of our lives proofing it to you".
" Well I think we should go back to counselling   that should help".
"Anything Amy, you know we have one smart older daughter,  she messaged me but I didn't get it thanks to Kerry Ann, here I'll show you".
Ty got his phone out and showed Amy the message".
"We need to talk to her about this".
"I know we do".
"She kept Blackmailing me and I didn't know what to do".
Ty decided to test the water and gave her a truly passionate kiss, I'm sorry".
"I am too Ty, but there's something you should know and this is definitely the Last".
Ty looked at Amy as she picked his hand up and laid it gently on her stomach.
"No way, let me guess 3 months ago".
They then kissed again, but Amy still had visions of Ty with Kerry Ann.
"I love you Ty and I want us to get through this, she's not going to destroy our Marriage ".
"I love you too, and I'm not going to let her destroy what we have. I was a fool and then I felt trapped".

Jack and Lisa turned up at the Hospital and knocked Amy's door before they walked in.
"Grampa, Grandma what are you doing here".
"We had an SOS from Marion".
"Oh bless her, she must be worried Ty."
"So what's going on to cause Marion to contact us".
"Grampa,  maybe You and Ty could go for a walk and talk, and I'll talk to Lisa ".
"Yeah, may be better that way love".
"Okay, we'll see you in a while, Ty, no BS if we want to get through this".
"No, I won't, I promise".

So Ty and Jack go off and Amy starts to talk to Lisa.
After Amy finished Lisa Just looked at her.
"I am shocked Amy, I didn't think Ty would do that to you".
"Neither did I , but in a way I was pushing him away,  then I'd want him again and then push him away again.
Then this Kerry Ann turned up and started the Blackmailing.
I'm Just as much to blame, he needed me, he thought he was going to lose me and our baby, I can't imagine what was going through his mind".
"He still cheated on you Amy".
"I know, but would he have if  Dad hadn't stabbed me .  Neither of us were in a good place".
"But when we came to see you".
"That was put on a bit, we didn't want to worry you, you've both been so supportive for us and we felt like we were letting you down ".
"Oh Amy, you should of said something,  what about counselling again".
" Yeah we are going to do that, plus we need to get things right for this little one". Amy put her hand on top of her tummy.
"Really,  your pregnant".
"Yeah, the one time we actually got
together 3 months ago".
"Well I know your love for each other will get you through this.  Ty was obviously upfront with you and wants to make things work, you have to give him a chance to make amends and talk to each other about it and be honest.".
"We are and we will I promise ".

A few minutes later Ty and Jack walk in and sit down.
Lisa thinks coffees all round were needed.
"Ty, why don't you come help me get drinks".
After they'd left Jack told Amy what he thought and it was almost the same as Amy's thinking that if Tim hadn't stabbed her and Kerry Ann hadn't turned up he wouldn't of cheated. She was the one who deliberately went after Ty while he was in a bad place.
"Ty is so remorseful Amy, please give him a chance, I know it's a lot to ask".
"Grampa I understand,  and I want to save our marriage,  there was a lot of circumstances and I'm not completely  blameless but I didn't go off and cheat on him did I. He's going to have to work hard to prove to me he wants to save our relationship especially with this very last little one turning up in 6 months".
"Oh wow, boy or girl Amy".
" Haven't got that far yet Grampa".
Ty and Lisa turn up with drinks and sit down.

To be continued

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