Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Eventually Ty said goodnight to Amy and drove home.
He got in apologising to Ellen for not phoning her and letting her know Amy was going to be Okay, then sat and cried for what's happened to her and the relief he felt knowing she was going to be okay.
Ellen  being a part of the family and friend held him telling him that they'd soon be away from this place and he and Amy could get back to their life as before.
Ty thanked her then got up to get what he needed for the police tomorrow. He couldn't wait to get Amy away from Hudson, they'd miss Jack n Lisa but as Lisa said it's only about an hours flight.
Ty went to check on the children as Ellen had gone home, Ty had thanked her about three times before she said goodnight.
He checked on the two youngest first then went to see Marion who was waiting for him.
"Dad, how's mummy".
"She's going to be fine sweetheart ".
He sat with her and explained that they were moving back to St Raymond and Marion was ecstatic to finally see her friends again.
Ty thought that went better than he expected,  everyone wants to move back.

First thing in the morning Ty phoned the hospital to check up on Amy.
"Hello Dr Borden, Amy had a good peaceful night and is fine, Dr Wright has been in to see her and he's very pleased. She's having a scan this morning to check her heart muscles but doesn't think there's anything to worry about".
"Thank you so much".
"Your welcome".
Ellen walked in to get the children ready for school and sort there breakfast out , Ty informed her what the hospital said and they were all relieved. Ty said goodbye to the kids and went to work.

As Lou had to get home yesterday she popped into Heartland this morning to find out what everyone was on about yesterday. Ty had Just finished talking to Jack about what the Hospital had said about Amy this morning and the scan she had to have.
"Hi Lou , coffee".
"Yes please Grampa ".
Jack brought the drinks in and sat down.
"Where's Lisa".
"Well as this goes back to when Marion died and Amy was seriously injured it's between me and you then a bit later ya Dad got involved so I asked Lisa to let me deal with this, and I don't want Tim here as he's the main problem,  which is why I've locked the doors. So I'll begin.......".

After Two hours of Talking and a lot of arguing Lou wouldn't take any of the responsibility for her part and told Jack that Amy should of sucked it up, even when he tried to get her to be reasonable and see that Amy was only 15 years old and she was 25 she wouldn't acknowledge any of it even trying to defend her Dad after everything he'd done. Lou didn't believe that he stole the copy of the deed of Amy and Ty's Ranch and Amy Just hated him. In the end he told her to go and if she felt that way about things then either she move the Dude Ranch or he'd start charging her ground rent.
Of course Lou said he couldn't  because he gave her the Land but Jack asked her to prove it if she thought she was right Just like she was right about not believing in everything he told her. Lou then Left fuming.
Jack hoped he proved his point but would wait and see.

Ty got a phone call about 3pm to say that he could collect Amy and take her home but the Doctor wanted a quick word with them both before they left.
Ty walked in to Amy's room and found her already dressed in the clothes she was wearing the day before and she still looked beautiful,  he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss as best he could as Amy looked so big but it had only been just over a day.
"You okay love".
"Yes Ty, thank you for asking, apparently Lou doesn't believe that our Father stole our copies of the Deeds to the Ranch so could you make a copy and email it to her to shut her up".
"It would be my pleasure Amy".
Doctor Wright walked in and asked them both to sit while he explained what the scan showed.
" Okay, the scan showed an electrical imbalance,  now the pacemaker has been set to keep your heart beat regular Amy and as long as you do not drive you can leave Hudson when ever you like after 3 days of rest and monitoring your heart rate every two hours for 3 days, I also want you on Oxygen, so you'll have to wheel the oxygen tank around the house for 3 days.
Now your Heart muscles look fine but we will want to keep an eye on you so to start with your check ups will be half yearly then later they may change to 2 then 3 or more but I think you'll be alright once your back where you belong. Best of luck to you both and I'll pass your file over to a friend of mine in Quebec , oh Amy you'll need an Ultrasound in a weeks time as you'll be 8 months pregnant okay. Good Luck".
Doctor Wright then walked off giving a slight wave of his hand. Ty and Amy walked to reception  to sign out and they had medication plus the oxygen tank for Amy to take daily, the medication, unfortunately would be for life due to the electrical unbalance but Amy told Ty she could live with that as long as they had a good life.

Back at home it was hugs all round including Marion and even Ellen so glad to have her home..
Ty went to copy the part of the video for Lou, when suddenly Lou turned up and walked straight in, walking straight up to Amy who was on oxygen and had her left arm in a sling  hitting her in the face, calling her a lying bitch Just because she hates their Father, Amy lost her balance and fell to the floor hitting her head just above her eye on her forehead which started bleeding immediately due to her blood thinners Just as Lou's phone went off , Ty was by his wife's side immediately. 
Marion rushed to Lou and slapped her as hard as she could for a 10 yr old. "Don't you dare hit my Mum. I'm glad we're leaving you, your all mad. I hate all of you."
"What the hell is wrong with your family, Amy's Just had surgery for god sake, she's almost 8 months pregnant, Did you not see her being on oxygen. The Doctor was right, this family is Toxic and the sooner I get her away from all of you the better.  That message is probably the one I sent you about your Father breaking into our Ranch House and steeling the Deeds to our house on security footage,  maybe you'll share a cell after you've been arrested too. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW.
Lou ran as fast as she could,  she couldn't believe what she Just did to her little sister.
Amy hung on to Ty and Ellen as they walked her to the bedroom, Marion had a cold cloth to hold against her mum's wound.
Ty phoned the RCMP and once again an Ambulance.

To be continued

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