Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

It was D-Day, finally they were leaving , they'd been filling the large rig over the last few days, Ty was dismantling the beds as those were the only things they were taking with them as agreed with the new owners.
Amy was trying to carry small items to the truck or trailer until Ellen asked her if she would rather watch JT and Lyndy and she'd help Ty and Marion, Amy accepted as she was getting tired, her Pacemaker was working fine but she hadn't regained her stamina yet, plus she was a day off 8 Months pregnant.
"About another hour Amy and we can leave".
"Thanks Ty".
While they were starting to bring out the beds Ellen's Fiance turned up with all his stuff as he was moving with Ellen to start there new life together.
"Hey Ty, I'll give you a hand with those".
"Your a sight for sore eyes, help is very much needed Mike".
The last to go in the Trailer was the Horses, food and water were already in the Tack/Food unit, now they were ready.
They'd made arrangements to leave the Keys with the Realtor.

At the Police station Tim was finally being bailed as he didn't have anyone to bail him out. He asked Lou when she got bailed but Lou gave him the finger and a few choice words of how she felt.
"This way Mr Fleming, take a seat please. Right we have a lot of evidence against you , but due to your Daughter's ill health she's put forward a proposal, so she doesn't have to travel back. She's done the same for Lou Fleming Cutty who accepted so this is what your looking at and what we spoke to the Judge about.
Your looking at 14 yrs behind bars but your Daughter for her own reasons, one her health we know about as for any others she hasn't said, but if you plead Quilty your looking at 8 years instead of 14, so 6 yrs off what you should get, so speak to your Lawyer, I'll give you ten minutes".
The Detective left the room to leave them to talk.

At Heartland Lisa was watching out for them when she saw the Convoy turn the corner, Amy's Truck with the biggest Rig she's ever seen, then Ellen's Truck and another Truck with a large Trailer on the back, she assumed that was Ellen's other half.
They all aimed for the house then took a wide Left turn parking next to each other in front of the Quonset Hut and Barn they were that long.
Jack came and had a look and couldn't resist the quote. "We've got us a Convoy". They both burst out laughing.
They move on to the Porch and watch as JT who's now 5 runs towards them , Lyndys a little unstable on the gravel so is holding Amy's right hand as she's now 2 until Ty comes up and grabs her as Amy can't carry her, then Marion moves forward linking arms with her Mom and Lisa noticed there's only about 6 inches in height between them now as Marion's 10 then Ellen and Mike who looked like a giant compared to everyone else.

They all welcomed each other and sat in the Lounge area.
Jack looked at Mike, "Mike, may I Just ask, but did you play American football at University by any chance".
"Yes Jack I did , it's amazing how quickly they moved out of my way when I ran at them, ha ha ha".
"I think I'd do exactly the same ".
Ellen looked up at Mike who was an impressive 6ft 4ins and built like a Brick shit house with love in her eye's, Lisa could tell how much Love they had for each other.
A little later Lou and Mitch turned up with the children to say there goodbyes too.

The Detective walked back into the room and sat down.
"So what decision have you made Mr Fleming ".
"I'll accept the deal".
"Good choice, sign these papers and your free to go until your court hearing ".
Tim and his Lawyer signed and both walked out the Station.
"Tim,  stay out of trouble otherwise that deal will become forfeit okay".
"Okay thanks".

They were all sat having Tea or coffee, the children were playing happily and even though Marion was almost 11 she preferred the Adult company.
"So Marion I know you've got a while to go yet but is there anything your particularly interested in doing when your older".
"Oh yes Auntie Lou, work with Horses like Mom does".
Lou looked at Amy, "Does Marion have the gift too Amy".
"Yep she certainly does Lou, Mum's gift has thankfully been passed down, not sure about these little munchkins yet as there to young".
Amy was sat on Ty's Lap, and Ellen on Mike's Lap.
"Anyone for one more drink before you go on your way". Jack asked.
"Yes please ". Was heard by all.
They were still chatting and Lou could see how Happy Amy was knowing she was going back to the Wilds as she put it. Jack was washing the mugs, Ty, Mike have you got a minute.
As they walked into the kitchen Tim comes walking in and stops dead when he see's how many men are in the house.
"I want to speak to MY Daughter".
"Amy Love, do you want to speak to your Father".
"Not Particularly, but I'll hear him out, after all I won't have to see him after today".
Amy got up and waddled over to the kitchen, "What do you want to say Tim".
It hit Tim when she called him by name and not Dad, "Don't you mean Dad".
"You lost that right when your actions could of killed me, and I don't hear anything in your voice of concern or of feeling Quilty for what you did".
"Very well, can we at least talk on the Porch ".
"Okay, yes". Amy looked at Ty and Mike as if silently saying follow us.
They both walked out onto the Porch, Tim turning left out the door stopping by the far kitchen window. As they were talking Mike noticed that Tim had maneuvered himself so his back was facing towards Ty and Mike with Amy in front of him.
"So you thought making a deal so I only spend 8 yrs in Prison was a good Idea eh".
"Better than 14 years considering what you've done".
"So you never even thought about NOT pressing charges".
"Why should I, you ruined my reputation and almost killed me while you were doing those things, I've had to have a pacemaker fitted because of the stress and heart problems including Cardiac Arrest. Don't get Hate and Love mixed up, I do love you as my Father, but I hate you for who you are".
"Is that so, well if I'm going to prison then it will be for something worth while".
"You sound Just like Cal when he started to change have you seen a doctor because to many knocks to the head can cause problems".
"Ha ha, I know exactly what I'm doing Amy and your Just selfish like your Mother".
Mike noticed that Tim hadn't taken his right hand out of his Jacket pocket and mentioned it to Ty.
"Amy, come here a minute love".
Amy went to move but Tim put his left hand on her right shoulder then took his right hand out of his pocket.
Amy slumped forward into Tim's chest and Ty knew something was wrong especially when he saw blood dripping onto the wooden floor.
Tim pushed Amy back where she fell to the floor and Tim stood there facing Ty and Tim with a knife dripping with Amy's blood.
Just then Jack came up behind Tim and hit him really hard with the butt of the rifle.
"Amy hang on love, please stay with us".
Ty was on the floor with Jack trying to stem the blood flow from her stomach.
Mike was on to Emergency services calling for a Helicopter as an Ambulance would be to slow.

To be continued

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