Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Amy made a call to Jen the Realtor then started Dinner. Ellen turned up not long after with a completely worn out Lyndy.
"So whose more worn out Ellen,  you or Lyndy" Amy said with a laugh in her voice.
"I think we're about the same, someone brought a tiny puppy with them and she spent ages chasing her around laughing and giggling, the owner thought it was hilarious ".
"Awww, what breed was it or a mix".
"It was a Miniature Dachshund and so small, even I fell in love with it ha ha".
Amy went over to see Lyndy and she was already asleep on the Sofa, "Ellen come look".
"Aww bless her I'll put her on top of her bed as its so warm, what time is it Amy".  "3 pm so yeah she can have a couple of hours ".
"Okay I'll take her in".
"Thanks Ellen, I've prepared what I need to for now for dinner, so while Lyndys asleep I'm going to rest on the sofa as my Legs are killing me".
"Don't you have the Doctor's tomorrow Amy".
"Oh god thanks for the reminder".
"That's Okay, I'll go and do the school run, see you later".
"Thanks Ellen ".

Amy was going to lay down but could tell her heart rate was up, she had that feeling again as if her battery was running out, felt weak and needed to hold on to something,  she grabbed the Oximeter Ty bought her and switched it on then put it on the end of her finger and watched her pulse rate climbed to 168, she grabbed her medication which wasn't due for another 2 hours but took it anyway then went and lay down on her bed, she knew it was to do with what she found when she got home, she wondered what depths her father would go to Just to get money.

Ellen came home with Marion and JT and they entered the house, as soon as Ellen walked in she could hear Lyndy crying but no sign of Amy.
"Marion love could you get Lyndy I'm going to check on your Mum, Ellen noticed the Oximeter and Amy's medication on the side which was unusual as she'd make sure her meds were out the way of the children's reach. She ran to Amy's and Ty's room  with the Oximeter in hand , Amy was fast asleep,  she tried to wake her but noticed she was chilled and tacky to the touch, she put the Oximeter on Amy's finger and watched it climb up, when it got to 180 Ellen got worried then it passed 200 and finally stopped on 230 bpm. Ellen shot out of the bedroom and picked up the house phone dialling  911.
Ellen then phoned Ty on her mobile so she could get back to Amy.
"Ty, Ty I've had to call an Ambulance for Amy, she went to have a rest as she was feeling really tired, I thought it was Just the pregnancy but when I got back Lyndy was crying but no Amy, so I checked her pulse with the Oximeter and it's 230bpm Ty".
"Okay Ellen you did right, all this stress is getting to her, apparently she had a run in with Tim early today and passed out, I've not long found out about it "Ty the Ambulance is here" Okay let them take her on her own and tell em I'll meet them there".
" Okay Ty bye".
Just then they knocked on the door as Ellen opened it for them and showed them to the bedroom. She explained Amys condition and they checked her pulse, it was still at 230bpm, they gave her an injection then got her on the trolley in the Ambulance and set off for Hudson General Hospital on Blues and Two's.
When Ty got there eventually because he was out at a call , Doctor Wright pulled Ty to one side  "Ty I need you to sign this now so I can operate on Amy, She needs a pacemaker fitted to control her heart rate, if this keeps happening it will weaken the muscles of her heart and eventually Heart Failure ".
Ty signed it and looked him in the eye's "please save her Doc".
Doctor Wright looked back at Ty and nodded, then walked off throwing his Arm over and then Ty saw Amy already for surgery being pushed along by the side of Doctor Wright to the OR.
Ty was scared, he knew the operation was quite a simple one but as a Doctor of Animal's he knew every operation always carried a risk. He then phoned Heartland.
"Hello Jack".
"Hello Ty you sound worried is everything alright".
"No Jack, Amy's in surgery, were at Hudson ".
"We're on our way".
"Lisa, we need to get to hospital,  it's Amy, can you phone Lou on our way".
"Yes, let's  go".

Jack and Lisa arrived at the Hospital and made straight for Ty.
"Hey, thanks for coming Jack, Lisa ".
"Does this have anything to do with this morning with Tim".
"I don't know Jack, Ellen said she seemed fine when she got back with Lyndy but complained of her legs swelling and not having any energy,  but when she came back with Marion and JT, the Oximeter and her medication was left on the side in the kitchen  which Amy doesn't do, Ellen couldn't wake her and she was clamy and chilled with a pulse of 230".
"Well maybe something else happened ".
Just then Ty's phone rang and saw it was the Realtor.
He spoke with Jen who told him that the couple who were interested had signed and bought the Ranch. Then she asked if Amy was okay after what she found when she got home.
Ty asked her to elaborate as Amy was in surgery due to another attack.
He thanked Jen and said he'd be in touch.
"Well I know why this happened now Jack. Something did happen when she got home".
"Please tell me it wasn't Tim".
"Yeahhh,  it was, Amy made a copy of the Deeds to the Ranch as a back up Just incase, anyway when she got home she noticed they had gone from the table top. She walked round the house and found the Patio doors had been opened so she checked the security footage and saw Tim in our house taking the Deeds".
"What would he want them for".
Lisa then Joined the conversation
"So he could try and sell your Ranch from under your noses,  it must be worth a fair bit I'd say".
"Yes it is Lisa, $600,000".
"Wow Ty, and you bought the Clinic too".
"Look Both of you, we never said anything before because Amy didn't trust her Dad where money was concerned but 3 years before we came here we had some luck on the Lottery,  we didn't win the big one but we did win 10 million. As for the Ranch ,it's already sold".
"I knew this was coming from Amy's comment this morning,  your leaving aren't you".
"Doctors orders Jack, If Amy stays here it will kill her, I cannot afford to take that chance Jack".
"Of course you can't  Ty, you do what you have too".

To be continued

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