Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Two weeks later Amy's in Maggie's having a chat to Lou and some Lunch before she goes home.
"So how was your shift this morning Amy".
"To flaming busy, that Vet we took on is really starting to take the piss out of us".
"Yep, she did the same thing to Scott to start with".
"How'd you mean Lou".
"She'd  go out the night before and phone in sick.
Moan about her shifts.
Make mistakes all the time because she was too busy on her phone.
Started dating some show Jumper and invited him in during her overnight shift, (before they changed things), his horse was in for an operation and the student had given the horse his injection to keep him calm which Scott supervised.  Anyway in the morning the horse was dead and he blamed the student Vet but Scott had been there so didn't say anything.
There was an investigation and an Autopsy,  they found 5 times the dosage and Cassandra was the only one here so Scott asked her what she did.
Of course she denied anything to do with it and blamed  the young Student. 
Scott called her in the office and told her he was there and checked the dose".
"Omg , what happened Lou".
"The police found him at his Trailer and Incriminating evidence on his Laptop, he'd insured his horse for twice what it was worth".
"That's terrible Lou , so why did Scott keep her on".
"They came to an agreement of sorts but I wouldn't trust her".
"Well I think she's on her last warning anyway Lou, Ty's not gonna fall for her excuses".
There was a ping from the food hatch.
"I'll get your Lunch, it's ready".
"Thanks Lou".

Then a blast from the past walked in, Chase Powers,  who walked over and sat down, "Hello Chase long time no see".
"I heard you were back, how about we start up the clincs again".
"I don't think so Chase, It got really embarrassing after a while beating your ass everytime,  besides that I have a busy Clinic to keep moving along, two horses that need my attention at home and 3 children that need me. Oh also,  I'd need to confirm if my husband is free so he can watch the children, so the answer is no Chase and I'm not the same Amy that you remember ".
"But you've got to do it Amy, it's all set up for Saturday".
"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!, you're an idiot, They changed the law didn't they,  we have to have a contract and insurance Chase. I'm not signing anything.
You use to pull the same stunts when I was younger and I always gave in, well I've grown up chase and I'm not being manipulated by anyone  anymore".
"But the Posters and flyers are already out, everywhere" .
"So your pulling that same old stunt where you think that I'll give in, well not this time Chase, you made the mess so you sort it out".
Lou was listening and walked over,
"You haven't changed have you Chase, have you got the contracts to perform for the Day and insurance".
"Well there Just minor details,  why don't you come and watch at least, please Amy".
"You really think I'm the same Amy who would fall for that Chase. So if I came to Watch I'd be there and you could try to embarass me into doing the Clinic with you , I told you chase  I've lived 8 years away from my Dad and Grampa who seemed to have a way of controlling me making me Nieve,  well on my own I got to actually live and understand how people work and I met a few like you.
No to the Clinic, No to watching it, now push off".
Chase walked out obviously in a bad mood, as Amy wasn't a push over as he thought and hope'd she would be.
"Wow Amy, you actually stood up to him, this has to be a first".
"He's a Dick Lou, he always had a way of calling me out to prove something, and now it doesn't work".
"I know this sounds bad Amy but I think you being away from Heartland for all those years was the best thing you did, as you said you was able to live a normal life without restrictions".
"Yeah, it was a little daunting to start with especially finding out I was pregnant,  but everything worked out and my boss and new friends all helped me, anyway I have to get home to my children,  see you later Lou".
"Okay, bye Amy".

When Lou popped in to Heartland to pick up Katie she was telling Jack and Lisa about Amy and what happened with Chase when Tim walked in catching some of the conversation..
"What's Amy done now".
"Why do you always say that, since she came back she hasn't done anything,  so why use the word NOW when she hasn't done anything Dad, this is what happens when you come in on a conversation you no nothing about. I'll start again okay because I'm really proud of how she handled the situation with Chase Powers and with that creepy prince".
Lou started again as she'd not said that much and told them about the Prince and what she witnessed at Maggie's.

"You know Amy should take the Prince up on his offer, I mean he's loaded".
"DAD,, He's a creep and young women  like Amy have disappeared off the face of the earth, is that what you want".
"Well she disappeared for 8 years so what's the difference".
"For a start Dad she could end up Dead or in one of his Hareems.
But let's not forget  she's Married,  has 3 children,  and Runs a Clinic with her husband,  so she doesn't have time to work 24 7 for some Prince ".
"Oh yeah, that's true ".

Amy was playing with JT and Lyndy which she really looked forward to every afternoon, Marion was at school,  Amy wanted another one and was trying to work out the best time to try as she wanted JT to be in Preschool,  that way she would still have Just two at home.
The following day Amy was at home in the afternoon working with the two horses she had and they were ready to go back to there owners when a Truck pulled up.
Amy recognised it straight away as Chase Powers and was surprised he still had that Behemoth of a truck, she still remembered when he drove Mrs Bell off the road.

To be continued

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