Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

One Year Later
Work at the Clinic was really busy, Amy worked Mornings as she not only had the children but horses to help, thankfully they had a Nanny who was worth her weight in gold and lived above the barn in a self contained Studio Apartment. So they both agreed to hire two Vet assistants.
A Prince had contacted her about working with one of his horses as he had trouble trying to get him to Jump but Amy was booked solid for the next 12 Months and explained that she wouldn't be able to fit him in , she offered the names of a couple of trainers but could tell by his voice he wasn't happy .
"I will pay enough so you can cancel all your clients horses and Just work on mine".
"I'm sorry but the answer is still No,  I do not cancel on my regular clients and I do Operations at our Veterinary Clinic in the morning's,  I also have 3 young children,  to take care of".
"Oh you have children, err okay thank you".
He ended the call.
"Pompous Jerk" Amy thought to herself.

The following day Amy was coming out of the Clinic at the front entrance with Ty to go and get some Lunch before she went home,  it had been a very busy morning of umpteen Operations and she was glad her shift was over. Ty also had a stressful morning after Cassandra the other Vet who they agreed to take on had a go at him for only giving his wife the morning shifts. Ty had to remind her that it was Their Clinic and they were her bosses, also Amy had 3 children at home and she worked with troubled horses. Cassandra told him she'd have to reconsider whether to continue working there but Ty called her Bluff and told Cassandra that he could get another vet to replace her by the end of the week and if this was how she felt, why wait a year to complain, so if she wanted to leave she didn't need to wait, she can leave at the end of her shift.
Cassandra didn't really have anything to moan about as her and Ty took the late shift alternately which was only up to 7pm then another bigger clinic took over the Emergency calls.
Amy and Ty sat looking through the menu Just to see if they wanted a change, normally they would have the house special.
Out the corner of her eye Amy saw a smartly dressed man Staring at her which made her feel uneasy,  then Lou walked over and sat with them. Amy and Lou made up about a month after the incident and Lou confessed everything to Amy, also she'd realised that by acting the way she was, she was going to lose her father .
"Amy, be careful of the one in a suit, he gives me the creeps I've heard things about him going after beautiful young women to work for him as trainers".
"Thanks Lou, I think that he may be the one who called earlier and I blew him off, funny though, as soon I told him I had 3 children he didn't seem interested anymore.
Mmm we'll see, Just keep an eye out  for him okay".
"Yeah I will".

Later on Amy was at home and not long finished with one of her clients horses,  she walked in the house ,got a coffee and had a rest for 30 minutes and now it was time for the children, first it was Marion for a hug n cuddle and a chat about things ,Just spending time with her eldest daughter,  then it was JT's turn with some tickling involved.  Amy loved spending time with her children   she was a natural mother and it came to her so easily.
Next it was Lyndys turn who was now 14 months old and walking.
There was a knock at the door, Amy took Lyndy with her in her arms and sighed when she saw who it was.
"Hello, what can I do for you Prince".
"Ahmed please".
"Okay Prince Ahmed".
"Err, okay better than prince".
He was smiling and Amy knew he was trying to flirt with her even though she had her youngest child in her arms.
"As I said earlier what can I do for you, I have things to do".
"I was hoping you'd changed your mind about working for me, I'm also looking for a Coach to come with my team to the European Horse Jumping Championships ".
"Well I gave you some names to help with your horse, maybe they'd be interested ".
"Well actually I want you, can I come in so we can talk".
"No Sorry, I don't know you and I have my Children to think about".
"Oh of course she's in your Arm's ".
"This is Lyndy my youngest whose 14 months old and I have a son TJ whose 4 and my eldest daughter whose not long turned 8, so as I said before I have 3 children,  a Clinic to help run and some Horse's that have issues".
"But my horse has an issue".
"No,  your horse needs training , so you need a trainer and someone who's able to be gone for a couple of months coaching your Team".
"I was told that you trained Horse's, and it'll be four months away in France".
"I used to, but now I concentrate on horses that have real behavioural problems so my answer to you is still No,  now if you don't mind I need to get back to my children".
"Very well,,,,,,".
Amy shut the door before he could finish whatever he was going to say.
Amy did not like his pushyness or the way he forgets what he's already been told. He obviously got Amy's message and hopefully will now leave her alone if he listened to anything she said.

To be continued

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