Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It had been a few days since the incident and they'd found Cal and arrested him, he told police that he couldn't remember anything and this wasn't the first time.
The police suspected he was lying and were able to get an extension on detaining him so they could look into his behaviour and get a medical check up. Two days Later he was charged for the assault on Amy and Jesse Stanton, his Lawyer told him he would do his best to get the charges reduced but he was looking at 10 to 15 years inside.
It had been 5 days and Amy was back home feeling much better when Lou walked in and asked Amy if they could talk. Amy nodded, so Lou gave her a hug then sat on the bed.
"So how long has Cal been using you as a punch bag "
"About 8 months, I don't know why he changed".
"So why did you stay with him and you agreed to marry him ".
"Fear Lou, I wanted out but he threatened me and my family if I broke up with him, I did stand up to him eventually and called off the engagement, but you know how that ended with me at the bottom of the stairs ".
"Omg, is that why he did it".
"Yeah, Just like I thought it would I couldn't take it anymore Lou".
Amy broke down in tears and Lou held her.
" He put the ring back on my finger and said he'd kill me if I broke it off again, then he started punching me in the face, next thing I remember is being at the bottom of the stairs and then I must of blacked out until I woke up in Hospital ".
"We won't let him hurt you, okay".
If he turns up give him this back and I don't want to see him".
"Okay sweetheart, now rest okay, can I bring Grampa and Lisa up to date so there aware".
"Yes please Lou".
Amy closed her eyes. Lou walked into the kitchen, grabbed a coffee and sat down with Jack n Lisa.
"How is she Lou".
"Very upset Grampa, she's wanted out of that relationship for about 6 month's but if she tried he beat her then threatened her".
"What, she's been in that situation for all that time".
Lou then elaborated on everything he did, even when he raped her , then what happened when she called off the engagement and lou found her.
"She's black and Blue Lisa and you can tell there old bruises, this was the first time he'd hit her face and the Last. If he does turn up here she gave me the Ring that he forced back on her finger before he beat her and threw her down the stairs ".
""Sheesh, why didn't she tell us".
"Fear Grampa".
"Okay well we'd better let your Dad know".

The following day Amy was in bed feeling a lot better and on her Laptop writing things down getting ready to run if he came looking for her.
She heard the house phone ring but couldn't catch the conversation.
Then she heard Jack explode, Lisa and Lou were in the kitchen because she'd heard them talking before the phone call.
"Jack keep your voice down, Amy's worried about him as it is".
"What were they thinking".
"Grampa if I can suggest that you get your Rifle ready and keep it by the door".
"Really, you think it's that bad".
"He threatened to kill her if she called off the engagement and broke up with him, he told her that she would wait for him even if he got 10 years, and that was an order by Text Last night, she showed me the message ".
"I reckon he's took to many blows to the head doing Rodeo, that's why he's changed".
"That's what Amy thinks too".
"Okay, we keep all doors locked and windows closed and locked for the time being, The police said to call if he turned up as they told him he has a Restraining order to stay away from Heartland and Amy".

About Lunchtime they heard a Truck and thought it was Tim, Jack stood to let him in and couldn't believe it was Cal.
"Lisa, phone the Police and tell em that Carl is here at Heartland".
There was a knock on the door and Jack and Lou went to answer it.
Jack unlocked the door but kept his hand on the rifle, "What do you want Carl"
"Where is she, I warned her about breaking up with me".
"Oh, so you can beat her up again, she's still recovering from the beating and being thrown down the stairs.
It would be better for you if you left, you know dam well there's a Restraining order on you to stay away".
Lisa had popped into Amy's room and found her hiding in a corner shaking and crying worried he'd come for her Lisa calmed her down then they heard Sirens as the police turned up to arrest him.

Just before he was taken away Lou ask if she could give him an envelope which she put in his pocket, Amy felt safer and then started packing up little things every so often keeping her cases under the bed. When it was quiet she'd lock her door and pack up everything she wanted to take with her, the stuff she couldn't take she took photos of instead.
Amy didn't know when she'd come back, but one thing she did know was that when she did come back the family would be very surprised because she knew she was Pregnant and was at least 11 weeks thanks to Cal.
The following day Jack went off to check on the Cattle, Lou went to Maggie's because they were short of staff and Lisa had meetings all day with potential buyers, so she was on her own.
Amy took her 3 luggage bags to the living cabin in the Trailer then filled up the feed cabin with Hay bails and 6 bags of feed. Then she drove into Hudson and went to the bank, she went in and withdrew half her savings then drove home.
As soon as Amy got back she went into the living compartment and opened the secret safe putting most of her money in keeping enough back for fuel and food. She hooked up the Trailer then went in to collect Spartan and loaded him into the Trailer.
Amy went back in the barn and grabbed herbs etc and her Mums Journals .
Half an hour later and Amy was on the road driving away from Heartland and away from Carl.

To be continued

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