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I hadn't seen Qwantay since that dinner at my parents, the craziest part is I didn't really give a fuck either.... he was acting like a straight fuckin bitch and I was growing tired of his shyt. All that being said, I really needed this nigga to pick up his fuckin phone, not because I wanted to talk to him but because I needed him to come and get Jordan while I went to work. I couldn't take him to my mom and dad because they were outta town and there weren't too many people I could trust with my son. I dialed his number for the twentieth time in the last hour and he was still being childish, he'd let it ring then send me to voicemail; I was fuckin over it and I couldn't call off today either. I know it didn't seem like it but I took my job seriously and since I was a supervisor, I held myself to a higher standard than I did the dudes under me. I expected them to show up to work so, I had to do the same no matter what; which is how I ended up here..... I've never felt more nervous than I did right now, walking into my own place but this literally was my last resort; Sincere was in the kitchen cleaning up when me and Jordan walked in. As always Jordan fought his way out of my arms and ran to his 'buddy', Sincere dapped him up and looked at me, understanding passing over his face as he noticed my uniform.

"Is there anything I need to know? Allergies, medicines he needs to take, emergency numbers to call?" Sincere asked as Jorda tried climbing up his leg, until finally, Sincere picked him up.

"Nah, he's not allergic to anything and his medicines is in his bag.... I've already given him a bath and everything so you don't have to worry about that. I should be back in a couple of hours, so if you need anything or if something goes wrong call me and I'm not playing either Sincere." I said glaring at him.

"Lose the attitude... me and J will be good until you get back, you have my word everything will be fine." Sincere said easing my fears with his smooth words. I walked over to Jordan and tried to kiss him on the cheek but he moved his head out of the way and started laughing hysterically until finally, he let me kiss him. "Where's mine?" Sincere asked as I walked out of the kitchen, ignoring his bitch ass.

When I got to work of course niggas were acting like they were happy to see me after my little vacation, but that was probably because I was the most chill out of all the supervisors and now they were starting to appreciate me. De'Veon and Raheim were high as kites when I walked over to them and I was tempted to pull them off the line but they seemed to be doing their work perfectly so I really didn't see the need to do so.

"Rah, where's Courtney? According to the schedule he's supposed to be here and yet I don't see him." I said looking around knowing that I could've missed him in this big ass warehouse. Raheim shrugged and I scratched my head because when Rah begged me to put his cousin on, he promised me that Courtney was a hard worker and yet I've been having the most problems outta him. "Aight, call him and tell him he has an hour to get his ass here or both of y'all are fired." I said walking off feeling like that was more than enough time for Courtney to get here.

"Damn nigga you just left...." Sincere said when I called to check in on Jordan. "You wanna see him.... here." He said handing Jordan the phone, Jordan put the phone to his forehead and started laughing which caused me to smile.

"I was just calling to check in and to tell you that he got some snacks in his bag if he gets hungry, I don't know if I mentioned that, and whatever you do, don't give him those damn fruit snacks unless you want him bouncing off the walls, those are for after he eats lunch... During my lunch break, I might stop through and bring him some McDonald's but don't hold me to that." I said checking my watch and it was still early.

"Baby I got this... we're good over here." Sincere said once again his words putting me at ease and I nodded. "Look, don't call back unless you're taking our order.... we're probably about to watch a movie and chill. I'll see you when you get off." He said hanging up and I tried to focus on work but it was difficult, I had never left Jordan alone with anyone and I'm sure Qwantay would lose his mind if he knew where Jordan was right now.

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