Alonzo 45

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I stood in the small space moving around quickly, it was below cold as fuck outside, and yet there was a long ass line of people waiting to order food and as badly as I wanted to complain, it was better than the alternative. Since getting out of jail I had been on my somewhat bet behavior, sure I had done a few not so legal things but nothing too crazy as to draw attention to myself.... though considering what me and my little cousin did yesterday if that bitch ass nigga snitched it would be difficult to talk my way out of it. I checked out the window as my mom took orders and saw that the line was getting longer... man what the fuck? Usually, when people see a long ass line they turn around but this seemed to draw more people towards us and I knew we were in for a long ass night (if we didn't run out of food first). My mom pushed me out the way and ordered me to take orders while she cooked because obviously, I wasn't moving fast enough for her, the only issue with that was having me at the window seemed to excite all the women waiting in line and now they wanted to stop ordering so that they could flirt with me, not knowing that I probably took dick better than all of them.

"Sorry about the wait, what can I get you?" I said turning to face the customer after handing my mom the previous order. When I saw the person my heart rate increased and my legs began to shake as Epic Hayes stood there with Frenchie.

"Come on man, you should know my order by heart considering how much we're here." He said smiling and I definitely knew his order by heart, not because of how many times I saw him and Frenchie but because I had this unique talent of remembering sexy niggas favorite food.

"You don't wanna try something else? I mean you gotta be tired of Red Snapper and there's hella shyt on the menu that you haven't tried yet." I said pushing the image of me riding his beard from my head because I definitely didn't need to be horny at work, especially when we had this long ass line.

"Aight I'll let you decide... but I'm telling you this now, if I don't like it you'll be hearing from me." Epic said winking before walking off with Frenchie and all I could think about was how fuckin good he smelled and how he really needed to stop playing and let me change his hold view of the world. I put in an order of oxtails, stewed peas and rice, steamed cabbage, and some fried plantains, also adding two fat ass slices of my mom's Hummingbird Cake.... basically all my favorites.

"Damn y'all busy ass fuck." My little cousin Eric said walking up with his dude, the second our eyes connected we almost busted out laughing because yesterday was wild as fuck, I'd never in my life seen such a pussy ass nigga and the fact that he was crying and shyt. "Y'all need some help? I can't cook worth a damn but I can take some orders." He said and I shook my head.

"Nah we're good.... plus I don't wanna interrupt your little date." I said smiling because he just seemed so happy, he had his arm over his dude's shoulder and even though it wasn't entirely clear, I'm pretty sure I knew where his dude's hand was. I noticed Epic getting his food from the other window and nodded to him as he walked off. "Hurry up with your order so I can finish off these last few people, I know once they're gone we're probably closing down for the day." I said watching as Epic got in his car and drove off.

I was fuckin exhausted..... like today wore me the fuck out and all I wanted to do was take my ass to sleep, I hadn't heard from Epic so I wasn't sure how he felt about the food and by this point, I was too tired to care. I had just got out of the shower and was putting my boxers on when I noticed my phone light up, I'll admit I ran to see who it was and let myself get hopeful only to be let down when I saw that it wasn't Epic. I couldn't explain what it was about that nigga, but he was definitely my type... a nigga who was hood in every sense of the word, the type of nigga who would grab you by the neck, lift you up and force you on the dick. Yeah I know he's straight but he had a drop of curiosity in there and every ocean starts with a single drop of water, you just needed the right conditions to bring it out. I was about to toss my phone on the bed when it lit up again, I glanced down and then did a doubletake at the two words on my screen,

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