Icon 120

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I took Sincere's advice, he told me to form a team that was completely loyal to me and build my own lane, separate from Qwantay and even him... I had Rich and Philly on the business side... Philly who was itching for me to give him the go-ahead because he was growing sick of Qwantay thinking he was the boss and Rich who liked the politics of street shyt worked better handling Renee and Qwantay... These three men in front of me, well I had other uses for them; of course, there was Courtney, he wasn't cut out for warehouse life and so I decided to put him somewhere that his skills were already refined to perfection, he was fearless which is something I needed in order for this plan to work. Next, we had Detroit, a childhood friend who moved to... Detroit and we just reconnected, he was hungry and down to make some quick money, I knew damn well he wasn't a 'clock in' type of dude and he had connections that would get him the supply they needed. To round out my team there was Xavion.... my maternal cousin and someone who I don't think I've ever seen smile in my entire life.... he was serious and about his shyt, he was the steady hand I needed to keep Courtney and Detroit from getting too crazy.

"20k in the stash house on Oakland Park, a bunch of weed, some pills, and some guns. There are only two weak ass niggas watching the place so y'all should be able to get in and get out smoothly without any trouble." I said sitting on the couch. "This house is one of Qwantay's little side operations so you won't have to worry about retaliation from Renee..... the best part is that Oakland Park is on the North Side which is Epic's territory so the chances of it getting back to us are extremely low." I said looking around the room.

"You still hadn't explained your cut of the money..... or why you'd be willing to set up your own nigga.... a bitch ass nigga that I've never liked and who you should've..... you know what that besides the point. But what's your goal in this Icon?" Xavion asked.

"My cut is 0%.... y'all can split the money however y'all see fit and everything else is y'alls to do with as y'all please. My only goal is to weaken Qwantay, y'all hit enough of his stash houses it'll start to distract him which will give me an opportunity to get my son away from him." I said shrugging.

"You know I'm wit it.... I'm just here for the action and money, all that other shyt y'all can keep as long as my cut is fair. I've never liked your nigga, even though I've only interacted with him once... it's an unwritten street rule that kids are off-limits and using your kid against you is some hoe shyt." Courtney said.

"So when do we move? I got two mouths to feed and two baby moms who think child support means they get to use that money on designer clothes..... so these little licks will keep them off my back for a while." Detroit said and I smiled.

"That's up to y'all, but I would prefer it be done within the next few days....." I said checking my watch. "Aight I've been off the radar too long and Qwantay's little flunkies have most likely reported back to him that I'm M.I.A..... I should probably....." Before I could finish my phone started ringing and I saw Qwantay's name pop up on my screen.

"Where you at?" He asked in a very demanding tone that didn't sit right in my Taurus spirit. "Icon, I know you hear me asking you a question, where the fuck are you at?" Qwantay asked as if I couldn't hear the obvious sound of slurring going on in the background, I threw up two fingers and walked out of the house, slowly closing the door behind me because I didn't want to give away the fact that I was leaving a house.

"The Lion's Den..... since I don't plan on fuckin your hoe ass I need to get my nut somehow and my hands just ain't cutting it anymore." I said walking to my car. "I thought you wanted me to clear out for the night and now you're clocking my moves.... sounds kinda possessive." I said getting my car.

"I'm not possessive, I just wanna make sure you aren't linking up with that nigga Sincere... I've heard from my sources that he was back in town and you know how I feel about that nigga..... it's a miracle he's still breathing and you are still able to walk around freely after you had MY son around that nigga." Qwantay said.

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