Murda 109

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Let's go back.... to before the phone call with Frenchie, to before I bolted from Legend's, to before everything got so fucked up..... Let's start with Chess because that's going to be relatively quick; maybe Frenchie didn't see it but I knew a killer when I saw one, Chess may be able to charm men with her beautiful smile but somewhere lurking beneath the surface was someone who had been hurt.... she was cold and the only signs of warmth I saw from her was when Uno walked into the house. Maybe he'll be the one who can heal her heart but I'm not going to hold my breath; Frenchie was going about things with his sister the wrong way, instead of trying to control her, he needed to be trying to guide her before she got herself too deep into a situation she couldn't get out of because..... Anyways, when I left the house I drove to Legend's and I'm not going to lie I kinda missed being here, don't get me wrong I loved that me and Frenchie had our own place, but this house was just.... fun. I walked inside and could tell that D-Man was in the kitchen cooking, Jizzle was laughing at something LaChae was telling him, and Rú had his feet kicked up. I spotted Legend in the dining room with Cody and his cousin Bam, which brought us back to the conversation about killers... Bam definitely had a few bodies under his belt and I could tell he was looking to add a few more.

"Murda, get in here....." D-Man called from the kitchen, I walked in there and Chris was sitting on the counter shaking his head as D-Man stirred a pot of something. "You got a southern nigga.... you should know what gumbo tastes like, here taste this and tell this nigga it's legit." D-Man said and I grabbed a spoon and taste the gumbo.

"Man, what the fuck is this?" I asked looking into the pot, now don't get me wrong... it was good as fuck, but I know for damn sure it wasn't gumbo. "Where's the chicken, the shrimp, the sausage? Where's the meat?" I asked taking the spoon from him and stirring the pot looking for any signs of meat.

"It's VEGAN gumbo." D-Man said and if he wasn't my bro, his head would be submerged in this damn pot, I'm not a health nut like D and Legend.... so the quickest way to get fucked up was to trick me into eating vegan anything. Like when he tried to feed me those plant-based burgers for one of our summer cookouts, I'm pretty sure they're still on the other side of the fence because wasn't anybody eating that shyt.

"Dhamir, I told you.... that's not gumbo, that's veggie soup but you don't wanna listen to me." Chris said and the way those two were looking at each other.......... something happened on their little road trip and I knew it was none of my damn business, once they started arguing I went back into the dining room and looked at Legend who was giving me that look. I motioned for him to follow me and we walked out to the front porch.

"I gotta take Rú to his cousin Carter's house.... Cody's coming with me so you think you can handle things while I'm gone? It shouldn't take more than twenty minutes." Legend said and I was going to ask him why he couldn't just let Rú use one of his cars but I'm sure Legend had his reason for doing it this way, in fact, I was certain that it had something to do with what happened to Cody.

"I got you bro.... grab me something to eat because ain't no way in hell I'm eating that vegan soup." I said and Legend started laughing.

"I got you bruh, but when I get back we need to start planning our trip..... I'm trying to get the fuck up outta here for a couple of weeks towards the end of June." Legend said and I knew why, this man hated fireworks and firecrackers with a passion and I knew exactly why. "Aight, I gotta go...." He said walking into the house and getting Rú and Cody.

"You got a light bruh?" Bam asked walking out on the porch, I pulled a lighter out and handed it to him. From what I understood Bam was the son of Chae's dad and Cody's mom's half brother.... or something and he lived in Phoenix which is why he wasn't around much.... that and the fact that he was crazy. "Your boy.... he seems like a good dude..... I'm glad Cody got a solid nigga like him in his corner."

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