Murda 41

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I was sitting by the bar enjoying my drink when the fight started, at first, I had every intention of sitting my high yellow ass at this bar and staying out of other people's drama because that's how you get hurt, then I saw them. That tangled mess of long dreads flying everywhere and the only nigga I knew to wear a three-piece suit to a club, I let out a low sigh before downing the rest of my bourbon, and then calmly walking over to the fight; usually, when Nolan gets into a fight I sit back and enjoy the show because if there was one thing me, Legend, Jizzle, and D-Man taught that little nigga it was how to hold his own in a fight. But then I realized who he was fighting, that same bitch ass nigga that was running his dick suckers and that was all the motivation I needed. I'm a wild fighter, so I saw an empty table where the brawl was taking place and climb on top of it, thirteen in a half seconds, that's how long it took for me to find my opening but as soon as I saw it, I jumped from the table and punched dude dead in his mouth. It really sucked for him because Bazil was coming from the other side at that exact same moment and the second our fist connected with his face he folded like a lawn chair. I noticed D-Man and that dude Preston fighting with the other guy's boys and they were whoopin their asses easily, then I heard the word POLICE and knew what time it was as everyone began to scatter......

"If it's not one, it's the other...." D-Man said as we sped off. "Seriously are y'all incapable of going out in public without getting into a fight?" He asked.

"Ayy it's not us that start it, niggas should learn to leave us the fuck alone.... it would've been a peaceful ass night if that nigga would've kept his fuckin mouth shut he wouldn't have ended up on the damn floor leakin..... damn I'm horny now, why the fuck does my nigga have to be outta town..." I said ready for Frenchie to bring his ass home.

"Y'all niggas are going to be the death of me I swear.... when I go outta town please try not to get into any more drama." D-Man said and he should've known I wasn't going to make any promises I couldn't fuckin keep.

"Nigga didn't you just get back from a trip? Where the fuck are you going this time?" I asked D-Man who seemed to ignore my question, that was one of the greatest mysteries of our friendship and if I was being honest, I didn't like that my boy was keeping secrets and shyt. I told him everything and yet....... "Where's Jizzle?" I asked just now realizing that he wasn't in the car with us.

"He left with Legend, Cody, and LaChae..... he just texted me." D-Man said and I nodded, I could relax now that I knew all my boys got away because I wasn't trying to bail anyone of out jail tonight. When we got back to the house; Nolan, Bazil, Chris, Gambino, and Preston were already here so we went inside to recap the night.

"That nigga is a pussy, I was in the bathroom when he stepped in there asking me about Sweetz... I told him I was done with him and he said that he fucked that nigga in my apartment, in my bed. So when I finished pissin, I went to find him and I proceeded to beat his ass, not because he was fuckin my ex but because he was bold enough to tell me that he was in my apartment." Nolan said still fired up from that fight.

"I see nothing wrong with beating his ass, but you could've at least warned me....." Bazil said and I was still conflicted about their relationship; we were raised like cousins and yet here they were fuckin..... I mean technically we weren't related but still, them niggas used to take baths together and well..... I guess that hasn't changed. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I looked down and saw two words on my screen 'COME HOME' and that was all I needed to see.

"Aight I'll catch y'all niggas later..." I said jumping up and racing out the door, like I said I was horny and I was missing my nigga, so knowing he was back was exactly what I needed to hear to turn my whole mood around. I pulled up to the house and smiled, this shyt was nice as fuck and I had to admit Frenchie did a good ass job picking it out, I walked up the walkway and for a split second I almost knocked but I had a fuckin key...... "FRENCH WHERE YOU AT?!?!?!?" I yelled because the house seemed empty, instantly I was on alert because for all I knew this could be a......

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