Murda 97

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Running a car dealership could be extremely boring at times like there would be some days we'd be lucky to have a single person stop by.... our busiest time was around Spring/Summer when prom, graduation, and wedding season was in full effect and even then it was mainly for rentals. So here we were; me, Jizzle, and D-Man tossing a rubber ball back and forth to each other trying to pass the time knowing damn well if we didn't get anyone by 3 PM then that usually meant we weren't getting any customers at all. But if I was being honest I'd much rather be here than at home because of our new house guest..... now I loved Francesca to death, that was like my little sister but if I had to hear about her ain't shyt nigga and even worst friends I was going to.... I don't know. Checking my phone I saw that I had got a text from Nolan letting me know that he was home resting and I knew I would have to stop by and see him, I was just glad he was out of the hospital because I hated going up there.... that shyt made me feel like I was getting sick. As I was scrolling through my phone, I noticed Jizzle sitting up quickly and we all turned as a car pulled into the parking lot..... we all looked at each other and jumped up knowing that whoever got the sale got the commission. My desk was the closest to the door so I got there first and I could hear them both mumbling under their breaths......

"Wassup.... I hope you don't mind me stopping by, Cody told me about this place and I'm looking for a rental for my dude's birthday." The dude said and I couldn't remember the dude's name but it was some dark-skinned dude who looked kinda familiar... like he had the same eyes as someone I used to know... or rather someone I killed. "Uhh.... my name is Kendu, we met at Cody's sorta.... you just stopped by." He said triggering the memory of me nodding towards them as I went to drop Legend off some money.

"Oh yeah, so what are you looking for exactly?" I asked leading him outside to our collection of luxury vehicles.

"I'm actually looking for two.... one to rent to and one to actually buy.... I want the rented one to drive to his party and the other one will be his present." Kendi said and now he was talking my language. It took us about three hours and four test drives before he picked out the two he wanted and I gotta say, usually when someone comes through saying they want to pay cash I had questions but with him I didn't mind because he was willing to pay a little extra. "I uhh.... I got another request it's a kinda personal." Kendu said.

"What you want another color because I can have that ready for you by the end of the week." I said as we dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's.

"Nah it's not that.... I like the Black Matted R8..... it's uhh.... well my dude likes to go all out for his birthday, and I plan on giving him everything he desires. The last thing on his list is two niggas willing to fuck me and him from the time we leave the party from the moment we leave the party, through the entire next day, into the following day....." Kendu said avoiding my eyes.

"I uhh.... how do you know I had a dude?" I asked curiously because not many people knew about me and Frenchie, it's not like we hid our relationship but it wasn't really public knowledge.

"I kinda saw y'all at the New Year's party.... y'all were hidden off to the side but from where I was standing I could see everything and well.... that shyt was sexy as fuck. My dude thoughts so too and he mentioned something about wanting to have some fun with y'all......" Kendu said and I didn't remember him being there but that definitely happened.

"I would have to talk to my dude and see where his head is at and get back to you...." I said and Kendu nodded. We finished up and I walked Kendu out, he thought he was slick sagging a little bit so I could see his trackstar ass..... I could definitely see myself behind this nigga, tearing his ass up but I wanted to run it by Frenchie first, I was a known freak but my dude.....

"Aight, I'm done for today... I'll catch y'all later." I said dappin Jizzle and D-Man up, I had finished all my work and while I wanted to call Frenchie I knew he was busy with Epic and I knew he most likely didn't have his phone on so I decided to go check on my little brother. I got to Nolan and Bazil's house, of course, he didn't lock the door, Nolan was sitting on the couch playing the game and when he saw me he nodded.

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