Legend 93

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To understand how we got to this point, I need to go back to Seven and Tion's New Year's Party because that's where everything really started...... Now I was a little tipsy and definitely feeling some type of way about Cody's ex-friend being there, I've spoken to J'Wayne Creed a few times in passing and I've always enjoyed what he's had to say but after finding out that he was the mysterious 'Big Dick Wayne' that Keyair and Saquon were talking about suddenly everything about him annoyed the fuck outta me. I don't wanna seem like the jealous type but that nigga was sexy as fuck and the way I was feeling about Cody..... let's just say he had me feeling extremely territorial and J'Wayne was just...... I walked out of the building to get some air and looked out on the city, even though it was officially New Year gunshots rang out in the distance and I gripped the rail tightly as I was taken back to a time and place in my life where I wasn't sure if I'd ever see home again. Blood everywhere, friends wounded, kids crying..... The door opened snapping me back to the present and I came face to face with my little brother Icon, he was talking on the phone cheesing hard as fuck, completely oblivious to the fact that I was standing there. I listened intently as Icon argued/flirted with someone and it didn't take me long to figure out who he was talking to because there was only one person who could make my little brother smile like that.............

"Oh.... I uhh... I didn't think anyone was out here." Icon said diverting his eyes from mine, there was a few moments of silence and I could hear the person on the other end of the line (Sincere) clearly asking who Icon was talking to. "Uhh, Legend was out on the balcony...." There was another few seconds of silence and Icon rolled his eyes."Yeah aight... I'll be there when I leave here." Icon said hanging up.

"One thing about our family... when it comes to parties, we're not exactly subtle." I said trying to make conversation. Icon didn't say anything but he stood there shuffling his feet nervously and all I could see was that kid who was scared to admit that he broke the head off one of my favorite toys by 'axeldent'. "So.... you and Sincere picked back up right where things left off..... how did that happen?" I asked.

"We uhh.... ran into each other at a park, well he spotted me when I was out with Jordan. I had forgotten how annoying that nigga was.... I remember dad used to get so mad that every Saturday morning Sincere would be down in the kitchen helping mom cook, well he acted like he was mad but on the rare occasions that Sincere wasn't there dad would be the first to mention it."

"Yeah... well if only dad knew that you were sneaking Sincere up to your bedroom he'd understand why Sincere was always at the house... mom knew of course but she loved Sincere so she tended to overlook it." I said chuckling. "Jordan seems to like Sincere." I said trying to keep the conversation going.

"Man Jordan ADORES Sincere..... he went back to his mom this morning and when I talked to him earlier all he kept asking was 'where's my buddy?' I'm going to have to figure out how to break that habit because if Qwa....." Icon's voice trailed off as he avoided saying 'his' name, but it was too late.... there was a dead body lying between us and now it was just a matter of who was going to point it out. "I need to know.... how did it get to this point?" I asked needing to know the whole story.

"Basically y'all would get into it, he'd come to me and vent.... we started to get close but it was never anything other than us just bonding. Then I got set up by someone I considered a friend.... that nigga Terrence and if it weren't for Qwantay I would be dead right now; after that things kinda got outta hand and we started fuckin around.... I guess I tried to justify my actions by telling myself that y'all were never going to work anyways..... Qwantay was... is a notorious cheater and you knew he was cheating, I just felt like eventually, you'd reach your limit.... then we got caught and.... I'm a proud nigga.... but I've always admitted when I was wrong but when it came to this situation..... I guess I allowed myself to get caught up, next thing I know he's convincing his sister to be our surrogate and....." Icon said quietly.

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