*Leah's POV *
(Thursday at school)
Still everyone was ignoring me at school.
It hurt knowing how fast people can change..
I still had Sheryl and Teeya but they weren't in many lessons with me..
It was now lunch time and I met up with Sheryl,Teeya, Evone and Chloe in the hall,
I don't know where Brie and Shania were but I'm guessing they were with Nikki as usual.
Chloe and Evone didn't really speak to me so I was just chilling with Sheryl and Teeya ,
About half an hour later Shania came over with Nikki and Brie,
Brie:'Leos such a idiot...'
Leah:'escuse me?'
Brie:'oh your still dating?...'
Leah:'well yea..'
Brie:'oh sorry I'm not aloud to speak to you'
Her,Nikki,Shania and Chloe turned away and walked off leaving me,Evone,Teeya and Sheryl here,
Evone:'omg that was hilarious!'
Leah:'what do u mean?'
Evone:'that act then....'
Evone:'yea .. Leo didn't say all that stuff.. Nikki dared Brie to do all that stuff and now Bries taking it to a whole new level'
Leah:'oh so at the meet and greet Brie kissed Leo cause Nikki told her to...'
Leah:'and Leondre had nothing to do with it....?'
Evone:'yea, didn't Brie tell you it was a joke?'
I then thanked her and went to my next lesson,
I thought about how tomorrow was my last day at school because soon I was moving to wales with Leo...
End of school:
I walked home with Sheryl as she was coming over tonight,
When we got home Tina was at work so we got changed and decided to face time the boys,
Charlie was in Bristol and Leo was in Wales.
Sheryl went on the other side of the room to go chat with charlie and I went on the other side,
Leo:'so how are you'
Leah:'I'm fine,how are you?'
Leo:'well I feel better now talking to you,'
I cooed
Leo:'yea so give me a heads up on school'
I then told him everyyyyyy thing about school and how Brie had back stabbed me and Evone told me the truth.
Leo:'WHAAT?!? Leah don't trust Nikki and Brie okay,I'm not cheating on you!'
Leah:'I know'
Leo:'fukin helll, iv been getting hate on Twitter aswell all because of some rumor Nikki started'
Leah:'Leo its okay, I believe you!'
Leo:'good cause I miss you'
Leah:'I miss you too.......why are you staring at me?..'
Leo:'sorry your too beautiful..'
Leah:'sorry but beautifuls not the word'
I looked down.
Leo:'megga beautiful??? ...'
I laughed,
Leo:'I miss your smileee'
Leah:'I miss your hugsss'
Leo:'I miss your laughh'
Leah:'I miss your kisses'
Leo:'I miss your face.'
Leah:'what the fuck you weirdo'
We laughed
Leo:'I do though, I miss wakening up to your beautiful face Lol'
He laughed,
Leah:'don't worry its Saturday soon,!'
Leo:'yepp and it's valentines day!'
Leah:'I know'
Leo:'yeppp on the actual Saturday,'
Leah:'oh,what u getting me?'
Leo:'it's a surprise'
Leah:'I don't like surprises.'
Leo:'I know baby I know'
Leah:'aha you little beg'
Leo:'shall I come over tomorrow?'
Leah:'omgg yes! But your in Wales?'
Leo:'I finish school at 2.15pm tomorrow so I'll try and catch the earliest train?'
Leah:'awwee you'd do that for me?'
Leo:'your my princess...I'd do anything for you'
Leah:'aw leondre,you don't need to come if you don't wanna'
Leo:'no Lil I insist, I'll help you pack up for Wales'
Leah:'okay fine..'
Leo:'we'll talk later peach'
Leo:'yh its the first thing that came to my mind'
He laughed
Leah:'Lol okay, love ya'
Leo:'love you too sweetie'
**Sheryl's POV**
Charlie:'how am ya?'
Sheryl:'in fine,how are you?'
Charlie:'I'm alright to be fair. But I miss you'
Sheryl:'aw baby I miss you too'
Charlie:'is Leah alright?Leo told me'
Sheryl:'yea she's fine now but she's moving to Wales with Leo so yanoo...'
Charlie:'aw I know, oh and Im moving Wales aswell with mum and Brook'
Sheryl:'you know what I'm gonna ask my mum if I can move to Wales!'
Charlie:'yea you can move in with me!'
Sheryl:'aw really Charlie'
Charlie:'yea, my mum wouldn't mind'
Sheryl:'aw sweetie, I'll try and convince my mum then'
Charlie:'any way got to go, see ya'
RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...