I put on one last stroke of mascara as my phone pinged
i danced across leos/our room and unlocked it..
Sheryl:'who is it'
Leah:'oh. Harvey?'
Sheryl:'harvey? What does harvey want'
She laughedLeah:'duno lets have a look...'
I said sitting on my bed with my phone
Sheryl:'ooo probs wants to talk to you about the kiss'
She winked as i shook my head...
Leah:'oh godd sheryl i beg u stopp' i smile
Harvey:Heyy lil?x
Leah: heyy harvs whats upp x
Harvey: nm just came back from recording you?x
Leah: ooo and just getting ready x
Harvey: haha i wanted to ask hows everything going with your dad and stuff x
Leah: alright i guess and how did u know?xx
Harvey: Dan told us😂xx
Leah: ohh turle man..😂 yea things okayish just dont want people to think my mums death was cause of me xx
Harvey: awe its okay b things will work out soon xx
Leah: Ty harv means loads x do u know who this Emma gall is that Bam keep chilling with xx
Harvey: yea shes the vocal coches neice right?xxx
Leah: yea think so xxx
Harvey: ohh your getting jell init?xx😏
Leah: stfu😂😭😂xx
Harvey: 😂😂shes just a friend hun trust mey😂xxx
Leah: i dont think 'JustFriends' walk around holding hands...😳😂😂xxx
Harvey: you and me held hands when we all went park, that was as 'JustFriends'??😏😭😂xxx
Leah: harvey mann😂 idc your like my big brother so it dont
Harvey: well you dont Kiss your 'Big Brother' do you....xx
Leah: Harv you kissed me..we spoke about this befor so can we not....Xxx
Harvey: Yeah sorry i shouldnt of bought it up xxx
Leah: uno ive got to tell leo at some point xxx
Harvey: ik ik its the day he will be beating the shit outa me😭😭😭😂xxx
Leah: Doe worryyyy i wont let that happen 😂😂xxxx
Harvey: Good Good😂 it was a accident😊😊xxx
Leah: what u accidently kissed me😂😂 is that possible xxx
Harvey: if leo asks then yes it is😂 i feel bad about kissin my bestos gf😭😭😭😭😂xxx
Leah: sad. Its your fault.😊😂😭xxx
Harvey: oh shush...😂😭😂xxx
Leah: Sheryl said Heyyy xxx
Harvey: awe tell her i said hayy bbe xxc
Leah: okaii ill talk laterr cause jordi keeps calling me ffs😂 ly xxx

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...