*billys pov*
-Befor they were in the lobby-
I replayed the image of emma in my mind..
Damn that girl has a body..
I walked in and saw her in the lobby..
-Skip to when theyre in the lift-
I held both my hands above her and pushed her up the side of the lift as my lips were only cms away from hers...
Should i kiss her??😏
i wouldnt dare to?..
Billy:'Dont EVER try hitting me.'
i said stearnly hovering my lips over hersIf any one saw us rn they would think we were having sex in a lift😂😉
I then losend the grip on her hands and let go as she led us out the lift..
That ass tho..😍
We then walked into her hotel room and i jumped and sat on her bed....
Emma:'get off my bed..'
Billy:' 'our' bed'
I winked
Billy:'So hows the pole dancing going'
i smirked..Emma:'Such a bloody perv just fuck off'
She rolled her eyes
Billy:'next time you should close your curtains babe..'
emma:'Dont call me that..'
Billy:'Why not babe...'
i put my hand on hersEmma:'idiot..'
She said under her breath loud enough for me to hear..Bitch.
Billy:'What song was u listening to befor you towel fell'
I laughedEmma:'Bang Bang..'
Billy:'jheez just like i BANGED your mum out'
She turned abit pale and turened the other way..
Asif she was blanking me..
Fucking slut.. who does she think she is..
She looked the other way..
Billy:'babe was it somthing i said?'
Emma:'Just fuck off!?'
She said as her eyes waterdUgh.. dont tell me shes gonna bloody cry now..
She didnt say anything..
I didnt wanna say anything tbh..All i did was held her hand and stand her up to hug her..
Thats all she needed i think?
im glad i hugged her tbh
I mean how can she be my fuck buddy if we aint even hugged..
She wraped her arms around me as she calmed
But the next thing i knew she smashed her soft lips onto mine...
I was taken by suprisee!
I didnt back away ovs..
I mean a girl like her?
Big tits
Big ass..Im winning😉
Her hands snaked around my waist as i held onto her bum..
She jumped up and put her legs around me makeing the kiss much more deeper...
We both backed away soon for air..
I bit the skin on her neck causing her to moan..
Atleast she didnt sound like a dying wale thats what most girls usually end up sounding like..
Billy:'i gtg now but ill see you tomorrow'
I bit her lip and leaned my head on hers as we held hands,Emma:'stay over?...please?'
Ugh...is she serious...
I mean yeah who wouldnt wanna sleep with me but really already
Jheez..Billy:'ah tomorrow babe okay?'
I said As she made cirlces on my chest with her handI quickly walked out her hotel room.....
What the fuckk had just happend....
*emmas pov*
billy:'i gtg now but ill see you tomorrow'
he bit my lip and leaned his head on mine as we held hands and
Looked into eachothers eyesEmma:'stay over?...please?'
Hes a fucking twat.
why Would I sleep with him.
Billy:'ah tomorrow babe okay?'
he walked out my hotel room.....
no words said.
What the fuckk had just happend!?
Why on bloody earthh did i kiss my fucking enemy.
Can u vote
Bye xo

De TodoThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...