An/ yeaa so ma last chapter posted on Saturday 20th Feb got like 8 views... I think it's cause I haven't updated in like forever but just thought I'd let u guys know it's cause I'm writing lots of drafts atm so I can post them all in one go and you will all have lots to read😊😂 any ways I hope yall like this quick update cause I don't wanna keep you all waiting💋🌈 over all I'm such a bad ass with ma 7.87k views so ty😂😂😙💕
...(Saturday btw 3pm ish)
Me and Tilly went and sat down on one of the bright pink stools after we had collected our icecream,
Leah:'so how have u been'
Tilly:'good how about you... how u finding Wales?'
She said taking a bite out her icecreamLeah:'good it's a very beautiful place but abit stressful cause it's all so new and things,'
Tilly:'aww I get what u mean, im sure it will all start working out soon'
Leah:'yeahh, hows school and things then,'
Tilly:'okay I guess'
Leah:'you sure, I mean your in year 7 now.. that's pretty big,'
Tilly:'' she sighed as if she was thinking of what to say...
I decided to change the topic after that cause If she didn't wanna tell me she didn't have to,
I went on to snap chat and took afew selfies with Tilly as I taped on leos name and look at his recent snaps,
Their was a pic of him and Charlie giving a bam sandwich to some girl who looked about my age?
Oh well I guess she's just another fan..I then got a text off 💋MyKingg👑👫 aka Leondre.. don't ask he put that name in my phone himself....
Leo: hey buba❤
Leah: hey xx
Leo: where u at😙👑
Leah: icecream w/Matilda you?🙈
Leo: just finished soundd checkkk😍
Leah: aw was it good?xx😘
Leo: amazing😅 but I kept messing up on Beautiful cause I was thinkin of youuu😒😼😍💘
Leah: CheekyBasterd😂❤🔐🌎💙💎
Leo: you love me😏❤
Leah: do I?xxx😽❤
Leo: ik you do xxx💋
Leah: clever❤ wuu2❤
Leo: in ma hotel room but Emma knocked so I'm gonna hang with her for abit xxx
Leah: Emma? And wheres charl at?x
Leo: Yea she's the vocal coachs niece or somthing only met her recently but were already like bestfriend😂😂.. and duno think he's gone out to get food or somthing❤❤
Leah: oh, how old is this Emma girl?
Leo: she's 14 I think duno but she's well nice!💋💙
Leah: oh ok x

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...