*Charlie's POV*
When ever we use to go on tour our vocal coachs niece use to come, she was like my Bestest mate.. Her name was Emma and I had missed her soo much.. Back then she was the only person that understood me..
Emma:'omgg charlieee??'
Charlie:'heeyyy Emmaa'
I said as she ran into my arms,
Let's just say she was a massive bambino too.
Emma:'I missed you soo much!'
Charlie:'aw ive missed you too princess'
Soon Leo walked in
Emma:'woi Devries'
Leo:'yess it's Emma Ma Bestie!'
He said pulling her into a hug,
Charlie:'correction..MY Bestie'
I smirked as Emma let out a small laugh
Emma:'well you guys should get practicing I'll be back stage'
Charlie:'okay I guess we'll catch up later then?'
I said as we made our way onto the big empty stage,
The gig was tomorrow but we had to do soundcheck by make sure it all worked
We sang:
Shining Star
I'll Be Missing You (Cover
Airplanes (Cover
And complicated
We also practiced a cover to See You Again in case we have a bit more time in the end,
Ngl it was awkward performing in a empty arena but yh..
*Leah's POV*
Soon enough Matilda had come home so yeyyy I weren't home alone anymore!
Leah:'heyy Tilly you alright'
Tilly:'yea you?'
Leah:'yeayea, wanna do something I've been bored all day'
Tilly:'yea sure, what u wanna do?'
Leah:'erm any thing what do u usually do here in Wales'
Tilly:'erm how about we go shopping?'
-In town-
So me and Tilly walked around town hand in hand,
We first went and got slush puppies cause we're cute like that..and then went into new look
We walked aroud abit till we found what we wanted,
i bought light blue skinney jeans and i bought Tilly a pink crop top that said unicorn in black,
we then went into river island and i bought, highwasted shorts, frilly socks, a pink vest crop top,a black short dress that had lace arms,pink hair chalk, long white t-shirt that said '89' on the back
i bought tilly:
frilly socks, a NY snapback, army printed leggings, a yellow flowy crop top that said 'Oh.Okay' on the front, a black tight fitted top top that had emojis on it, a long blue skirt that was long at the back and short at the front,Tilly then asked me to take her to boots as she was now aloud to wear make up,
we went in and i showed her afew make up company things...
A beautiful lady that looked about in her late 20s came over and asked if she could test some make up on us, (not a stranger, its one of them people who work their 😂😂)
i decided not to have my make up done as i was already wearing some but i made tilly sit ob the chair so the lady could do hers
I sat down on a small chair next to the other mirror as my legs got tired,
i decided to check social media,
i had 2 scs off leo, a misscall off leo,2 texts, and over 8799665544457 notifos off twitter... its cause of the fans and all....I looked up at tilly and the lady was rubbing in her foundation, tilly smiled at me through the mirror, she looked so happy im glad i actually came here with her, i took a vid of her getting her make up done and put it up on sc,
i then text leondre to see what he wanted..
Leah:helloo x
Leo:Ayy where r youu xxx
Leah: in town w/Tilly xx
Leo: oh okayy awh, xx
Leah: how was sound check?xxxx
Leo: it was good,i met emma xxx
Leah: Emma.. whos emma xx
Leo: the vocal coaches daughter, shes well nicee and good friends with charl too xxxxx
Leah: k
Leo: ouch. You k'd me
I decided to blank him after that cause he kept rambling on about some emma girl and tillys make up was done...
She looked so stunning im not even joking,
The woman who done her makeup took a pic of me and tilly that i put up on sc captioning it as 'MyGirl'

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...