*Charlie's POV*
Next we had drama,
I love drama at my old school so I'm sure I'd love it here too,
Our teacher was called Miss.Louise and looked in her late 20s
She reminded me of Victoria Louise but yea...
Me, Leah, Sheryl and Leo were in a group and we had to come up with a romantic love scene what I thought was great...
Leondre pertend to propose to Leah and me and Sheryl were the future them on the honey moon,
We all ended up in a laugh cause know us we would...
Miss.Louise didn't make us perform in front of the class tho cause we didn't really want to even tho leo did, the strange child....lel..
Next we had form, we were all in different forms but Leah and Sheryl were in the same form and me and Leo were in the same too,
I gave Sheryl a quick peck on the lips and we walked her to her form with Leah,
We then walked to our form..
*Leah's POV*
We sat down in our form, our teachers name was Miss.Courtney, she was really really nice and let us do whatever we wanted even if we wanted to go on our phones,
Their were these 2 girls sitting behind us, they had a quite a bit of make up on and looked really girly and pretty I'm guessing they were the 'popular girls'
The first girl was called Rosie, she had straight strawberry blonde hair with brown high lights and was wearing her school uniform but had on a belt,bracelets, necklaces,rings,earrings and make up
The others had roughly the same clothes and amount of jewelry but was called, Lauren and Ella
Lauren had brown hair but Ella had blond with brown dip die which was actually very pretty,
Leah:'oh hiya'
Lauren:'I'm Lauren, and this is Ella and Rosie'
Leah:'aha I'm leah and this is Sheryl'
Rosie:'you can hang with us if you want?'
Sheryl:'aw thanks we'd love to'
We all chatted a bit more and turns out we have lots of the same interests,
Soon the bell had gone and me and sheryl walked out following Ella,Lauren and Rosie our new mates,
Leah:'hey Ella is it okay if we wait for our boyfriends here, we promised we'd wait?'
Lauren:'who's you boy?'
Rosie:'Damnn the school player?'
Leah:'what do u mean?'
Lauren:'she means Leo, the school player, he's been out with nearly every decent girl at this school!'
Well, leondre must of been a ladies man..
I'm actually a bit scared now cause what if Leo tries to cheat on me or one of the girls at this school want him back or something!?!
Noo he wouldn't, I love him...and he loves mee
Leah:'has he?'
Ella:'yepp be careful girl, and what about you?'
She said pointing to Sheryl

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...