*Leah's POV*
I woke up next to Leo holding hands , I got my phone and took a pic of us holing hands and put it as my Snapchat story as 'ily' ,
I got out and done my daily routine, wash my face,brush my teeth and get changed . I got changed into a baggy oversized jumper and black leggings. I quickly put my hair in a messy bun and went back to sit in the bed with Leo.
I lied down and just went on twitter for a bit till I felt warm hands wrap around my waist , I turned to the side and saw Leo was awake.
Leo-:'morning beautiful'
Leah-:'morning' I kissed his cheek x
Leo-:'what shall we do today??'
Leah-:'we'll plan it with Charlie, Harvey and Sheryl (Leah's bff)' I said getting up,
Leo went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get changed while I tidyed the bed ,
Leo got out and we both slowly pulled each other in to a hug
We went down and Charlie , Harvey and Sheryl were already their , I hugged them all goodmorning
*harveys pov*
Leah hugged me to say good morning, she's so pretty and nice , yea I kinda have a crush on her but if I told her Leo would kill me. .
*Leah's POV*
Me and Leo sat down, he put his hand on my waist and I leaned on him
I got up and made some nuttella toast for all of us
Leo-:'thanks b' he kissed my cheek x
After that me and leo were just cuddling and sheryl and charlie were annoying eachother
Harvey came down..
Harvey-:'you guys wanna come thrope park with me and jordi??'
'Yeah okay' we all replied.
We went up to get changed ...
*Harveys POV*
They were all kissing and hugging downstairs and it was very awkward for me especially Leah and leo ..
*Leah's POV*
I got changed into highwasted shorts , baby pink lace top and royal blue hightops
I got my make up bag and was about to put on concealer when Leo took it off me and took my make up bag too
Leah-:'OMG no leo'
Leo-:'no more make up for you ,your already beautiful x'
Leah-:'no I'm not Leo give it me back'
Leo-:'too late iv hid it '
I kissed his cheek and smiled
Leo-:'stop trying to flatter me x your not getting it back hun..'
I went into Sheryl and charlies room and just borrowed some of sheryls
Leo-:'Leahhh '. He pulled me into a hug laughing x
Harvey-:'Yo, Jordis here you guys comming?' He shouted from downstairs
I went in my room and grabbed my phone and we headed to the car....
Okayyy guyss this is basicly my first ever fan fic so it's probably gonna get confusing, I will try and update every day so don't forget to vote and commentxxxxxxx -
Love leah

CasualeThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...