It was 5 minutes till the bell and I quickly called Leo cause I was feeling pissed about Nikki and all...
Leah:'hey its me'
Leo:'what's wrong..'
Leah:'how do u know..'
Leo:'trust me I can always tell..'
Leah:'Leo I got music first I don't wanna gooo!'
Leo:'what I thort you loved music?'
Leah:'I dooo but Nikki's here today and just ughh'
Leo:'Leah im still in London I can't do any thing...'
I moned as I heard Chloe asking me something in the back ,
Chloe:'who you chatting to?'
Leah:'erm... Just Leo'
I looked at the ground knowing someone was going make a joke out of it...
Nikki:'Leo from BAM?'
Shania:'ahaa leah I don't think you know who Leo is why can't you except the fact that he has a girlfriend...'
I looked at ground knowing that 'Leos gf' was me but I decided not to say anything but teeya did give me a hug cause she knew..
I then quickly put my phone back on my ear realizing that Leo was still on the phone,
Leah:'oh yea Leo , just forget it..'
Leo:'you know I've just heard all that convo..and I'm gonna prove to people that your my gf'
Leah:'no leo theirs no point Evey ones still gonna hate me..'
Leo:'no ones gonna hate you Leah okay me charlie and sheryl are here for ya'
Leah:'thanks Leo , I got to go now love ya'
I said as the bell went,
Leo:'love ya more and say hi to Sheryl from me and Charl'
I quickly cut the phone and made my way to music with, Evone,Shania,Nikki,Bre,Chloe, Sheryl and Teeya,
We all got put in to our partners from yesterday, I was with Sheryl again obviously,
But because Bre weren't here yesterday she had to come and work with us,
For some reason she disagreed and went off working with Nikki and shania as a 3 which kinda made me feel upset....
The teacher then told us to practice our songs so me, Sheryl and Teeya decided to work as a 3 and went into a separate room to practice.
We decided to practice by doing some vocals and then singing to Break Me Down by Molly Rainford and started adding in harmonys,
We heard someone next door singing hopeful so we went next door to go check out who it was...
We opened the door and say Evone,Chloe,Nikki,Bre and Shania all singing together in a group of 5
They all turned to look at us and I smiled back,
None of them offered me to be in their group so what was the point ,
Shania:'hey leah were singing hopeful'
Evone:'yea would you guys like to join us?'
I smiled at Evone knowing that she tried to be friendly,
Nikki:'haha yea hate to brake this but miss said we can only have groups of 5 or less'
She gave me a sarcastic look as nobody else had noticed....
Sheryl:'its fine!'Sheryl said backing me up as I had no words.
After music we had English and then break,.
At lunch we all met up in the hall, but this time Nikki weren't with us she probably went of with the rest of the 'popular group'
At lunch we all ate and chatted, soon Sheryl and teeya had to go to their lessons as they now had pe but I had maths,
Me,Evone , Chloe, Shania and Bre all went on the field to look for Nikki as she was in the same class as us .... I didn't really get the point though, I mean Nikki was pretty and had Lodddeeeessss of mates due to how confident she is but she calls Shania and Bre over to come and pick her up from the field!
They all walked in front whipping their hair as I slowly trotted behind them all.... I hated this..
They were all chatting together having a good time as I just stood behind them all not saying a word as I had no one to talk to,
I mean Evone had Chloe to chat and gossip with
Shania had Bre and then Nikki was like the leader walking in front of us all...
And this happend everyy day!
Cause it was a new year I thought things were going to change ..but no....still no one cares about me except Sheryl and Teeya and of course the alphadogs.......
How are u liking this? Please comment and Vote my lovelys , oh and comment if you want me to add more drama! - Leah xx

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...