(The next morning⛅)
*Still Leah's POV*I woke up and Leo was coughing in the bath room,
He'd probably just been sick.
I got up realizing that I was still in yesterdays clothes LOL so I got my night gown and just put it on top,
I went over to the bathroom just to check on Leo,
He was sitting in front of the toilet coughing,
Leah:'Leondre, I told you not to drink yesterday'
I sat down next to him and hugged him
Leo:'I'm fine'
He said vomiting right after,
I put my hand on his stomach and gave it a little rub.
I quickly got changed into a black vest top and white shorts and done my daily routine,
I went down and got a glass of water and some paracetamol and came back up as Leo was now back in bed,
I handed him the water and paracetamol,
Leo:'I'll have the water but not the paracetamol,'
Leah:'no you gotta have both!'
Leo:'but I don't like paracetamol'
He moaned
Leah:'it will make you feel better?!?,'
As you can tell Leo don't like taking paracetamol but in the end he took it.
Leo:'I'll get you after'
He slowly let out a smile,
I got him a bucket in case he was sick again and then sat back in bed with him,
Leo:'you can go down if you want?'
Leah:'Leondre you've got a hangover shut up and get some rest'
I held his hand as we both slowly laughed....
Leo:'what even happened last night?'
Leah:'well we were all kissing and you went to get a drink and then about 20 minutes later you were still by the table and you were on your 10 shot'
Leo:'oh crap really,'
Leah:'yep ,then we came home and I had to drag u up to our room and then you pulled me into bed and we fell asleep like that,'
Leo:'omg I'm sorry,'
Leah:'why, you ain't gotta be sorry for anything. It was your first time I get it,'
He kissed my cheek and I went down meeting Sheryl,
Leah:'heyy, how's charlie?'
Sheryl:'just abit hungover'
Leah:'same with Leo,'
I made some breakfast for Leo and took it up to him,
It was nuttella on toast - his favorite,
Leah:'you feeling any better?'
I handed him the toast,
Leo:'just got a bit of a head ace and thanks for the toast baby,'
Leah:'its okay,'
I sat on my phone on the bed,
Leo:'can I put that pic on Instagram then?'
He said eating
Leah:'what pic?'
I lied cause I knew what he was on about,
Leo:'you know the one where we're kissin'
He said taking my phone off me
Leah:'you can have my phone but please don't post that pic!'
He looked at me,
Leah:'Leo, we're kissing in it and I just don't feel comfortable with you posting it especially to all your fans,'
Leo:'okay I understand'
He gave me my phone back,
But I knew he'd probably post it any way to piss me off,.....
Leo:'aren't you gonna eat?'
Leo:'come on Leah, you didn't even eat last night,'
Leah:'Leo I dont feel to good, I don't feel like eating'
He lied down and had a bit of rest while I just sat on Twitter as Leos phone kept vibrating with notifications
I literally wanted to chuck it out the window!
I just sat on my phone for about half an hour and felt my stomach hurting and a pounding headache,
What was happening to me,
Leo:'erm are you okay'
Leah:'I'm fine!'
I quickly said taking a sip of water,
I soon felt okay but still had a huge headache,
Leo was feeling kinda better so we decided to go out and get some fresh air,
I got changed into high waisted shorts, my bambino top and red flats and a parker jacket.
I got my phone and we made our way out for a walk in the park,
Luckily hardly any one was their,
We sat on a bench and I went on Instagram for a bit as Leo leaned his head on my shoulder,
Leah:'Leo you posted that pic!'
I wined at him
Leo:'did I ?.... '
Leah:'leondre...did you post that pic?'
Leo:'yes I'm sorry....'
I got up and walked off as a joke,
He followed me,
So I turned back and walked back to the bench,
Leo:'it's was a good pic tho, come on,'
Leah:'yes but I don't feel comfortable with you posting pics of us kissing and everything,'
Leo:'okay okay I'm sorry'
I crossed my arms and walked off as he followed me,
Suddenly I felt dizzy, everything was blury and my stomach started hurting again,
Leo:'Leah? Are you okayy........'
I heard as his voice faided away,
*Leo's POV'
Leah walked off and I followed her,
Suddenly she went all dizzy and she couldn't control her self and she fell to the floor!
Leo:'Leah Leah?!?!'
I tried waking her up,
I quickly called the ambulance and text Charlie,Sheryl,Harvey and Overload,
I also text leahs aunt Tina who lived about 20 minutes away from ours.
Hope you like this chapter x, please vote and comment -love you all, Leah

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...