After school at the end of the day...
*Leahs POV*
I was walking home alone with Leo, it was actually very sunny today.
Sheryl and chaaza decided to go to Starbucks for abit of alone time,
Me and Leo were just casually walking down the streets swinging each others hands back and forth..... It was very awkward..
Leah:'Leoo stop making this awkward!'
Leo:'I'm nott your making this awkward'
He said laughing...
I just sighed and carried on walking..
We were walking home the long way today so I duno how long we were gonna take to get home
Leah:'Leo how long I'm tired!'
Leo:'gosh so moody'
He said picking me up over his sholder ..
We soon arrived home and no one was home
Vic and Antonio were at work, Tilly was at Trins
And charlie and shez were out.
Yey we had the house to ourselves!
We went up and got changed, I was the first to get changed so I came down and put the TV on...
Soon Leo came and jumped on top of me,
I hugged him into the blanket and he kissed my neck
Leah:'what's up with you and kissing me all of a sudden'
He said coming up to me to kiss me again
Leah:'no leo, I'm tired'
I said just pecking his lips
Leo:'fine I don't love you'
Owch basterd that hurt I know he was joking tho s'all love😂
Leah:'fine I don't love u either'
He ignored me for about 20 mins then went on his phone...
Leah:'who ya textin?'
Leo:'ohh just Rosieee'
Leah:'Okay okaiii, I do love you I'm jokinggg'
I said jumping towards him.
*Leo's POV*
Leah:'leooo, I'm just kidding I loveee youu'
Leo:'I miss Rosie......'
I loved teasing my baby gall xx
Leah:'okay stop now Leo pls!'
She put her face into a pillow...
Leo:'okay okay I'm joking baby you know I am'
She smiled and kissed me, it lasted like 2 seconds but it ment the world to me
Leah:'Pls don't say you love another girl when I'm with you'
Leo:'I won't I promise bbs you'll always be minee!'
I said cuddling to her on the sofa...
*Harveys POV* (in london)

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...