*Leah's POV*
The next day we all woke up and went down to eat breakfast,
Leo kissed me morning and Charlie kissed Sheryl morning,we were just so cute
Me and Sheryl decided to get changed for the party in mine and Leos room the boys said they were getting ready later on because me and Sheryl would take ages to get changed,
Firstly we done our make up, i put on foundation and concealer,then dark blue eye shadow with a ghosty effect, then I put on eyeliner,mascara ,lip gloss and blusher
(so precise)
Then I combed and straightened my hair cause my natural hair was very wavy and I didn't like it p
Then I put on my dress which was strapless ,tight, and came up to my mid thigh it was Caribbean blue,
Sheryl's was the same but hers was white,
Yea we looked like proper sluts,
No I'm joking
We went down stairs and the boys were just playing on the Xbox,
Charlie:'leah tryna show ur ass off to that Luke kid'
Sheryl:' CHARLIEE..-'
Leah:'oh yea..'
I said getting the pillow off the sofa and attacking him with it
Leah:'youu fuckin little beg I swear you such a dickk'
I ran after him while he tried using Sheryl as a shield,
Charlie:'okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry'
Leah:'better be'
I said going up to Leo,
Leo:'don't worry babe, you both look beautiful'
He put his arm around me,
Leah:'okay , you both now go get changed,'
They both went up to get changed and came back down like 10 minutes after wearing baggy tshurts,skinny jeans and hightops.. Typical 'bam'
We all sat downstairs and waited for blair,
Leo:'you look so cute'
Leah:'so do you' I kissed him x
Blair finally came and he dropped us off with Ollie from overload and Dani from the pow pow girls,
It was about a 20 minute drive to get their and their was only 5 seats in the car so I got to sit on Leos laps....... Its not weird
We finaly got their and we said hello to every one even tho I hardly knew anyone,
Leo stayed with me cause he didn't want me getting lost,
Sheryl and Charlie were making out in the corner (obviously)
Ollie and Dani were just talking on the sofas,
Leo:'wanna dance?'
He offered me his hand
Leah:'yea okay'
We both danced for about an hour or so,
Leah:'I'm gonna get myself a drink'
Leo:'okay, dont take too long Bab'
I went to poor some of the fruit punch in my glass and went to go back to leo until I saw Karen was talking to him...
Yes the Karen that puts hate on me and sheryl,

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...