(The next day)
*Leos POV*
The next day I woke up alone, I guess leah had already gone down without me,
I felt so stupid and upeset.
How could I hurt her like that, how could I hurt the most important thing in my life.
I miss her , I miss her loadesss ,
And now thanks to me she ain't talking to me any more,
I actualy feel like crying because I feel like someone had just got my heart and ripped it a part I really couldn't live with out her...............I love her....
*Leah's POV*
This morning I decided to go down stairs alone for some reason, things were just so ughh right now , i felt like crying...
When I went down Harvey,Sheryl and Charlie were already up , I went to hug them all good morning and things were kinda awkward for me and Harv after the unprepared kiss but he did smile at me,
I made some nuttella toast for myself and sat down watching xfactor with the others,
Leondre was still upstairs and it had been ages... I hope he was okay,
*Leos POV*
I done my daily routine and went back into our bed room covering my arm... Yes I had cut myself, the pain just hurt too much and I really had to talk to leah,
I came up with the plan of apologizing to her over a twitcam in front of all my bambinos, I hope she forgives me x
I went on Twitter and tweeted
'@barsandmelody very special twitcam tonight!!-Leo xx'
*leahs POV*
I went on Twitter for a bit and had noticed that Leo was gonna do a twitcam... HOW COULD HE :( I mean... At a time like this instead of trying to apologize he does a twitcan in front of billions of other girls who want him..
Any way what did I care....
About 10 mins later Leo came down he wanted to say good morning but I kinda ignored it even tho I did want a hug....
I looked at Leo when he was in the kitchen and noticed a red mark on his arm, at first I thought it was probably just nothing but then I noticed he kept touching it and it kept going red,
Every thing was quiet till I got up
Leah:'OMG Leondre'
I ran to him while harvey , Sheryl and charlie looked at me like i was a weirdo,
Leah:'Leo what have you done' I held his cut arm and looked up at him
Leo:'nothing' he replied with nuttella all over his face,
I held his hand and walked him upstairs like a two year old to talk in privet cause knowing Charlie he would be listening....
We both sat down on our bed and I finally decided to talk to leo,
Leo:'listen, I know , I know I hurt you alot okay but please just talk to me at least cause I need to know that your safe'
Leah:'Leo , I'm fine okay but I still don't forgive you after all that,'
Leo:'it okay you can hate me all you want but please just don't ignore me'
He interrupted me sweetly
Leah:'Leo the only thing I hate you for is that cut on your wrist and please don't ever do that again'
Leo:'I won't okay I promise, and before you go down will I get a hug??'

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...