*leos pov*
So its 11:20am and the girls have probs reached the studios by now,
Me and charl decided to go see Emma,
We knocked on her hotel room and she opened it with in 2 mins
Charlie:'Hey Em you alright'
Emma:'yeah what you guys up to'
Leo:'nothing much just thought we'd come say hi'
Emma:'Cool, Where the girls at?'
Emma:'ahh me and leah are alright tho right?'
She said turning to meLeo:'err i duno you should be'
She nodded
Emma:'anyway im gonna go now so ill catch you guys later'
We hugged her and decided to go practice for tonights gig
*Leahs Pov*
The studios was masive... it had about 5 different recording rooms and 2 halls... you could tell this place was expensive!
I took a quick pic of the studios and put it up on snap chat,
time: 3pm
So me and sheryl are now back at the hotel,
At the studio we practiced our two songs for tonight,
-Little Me, Little mixAnd
-Who you are, Jessie J
We did a quick recording of
- I Hate You I Love You By GnashTo put up on our youtube channel as its been a while since weve worked on it
The tracks been fully edited so its ready to post but we'll post it tonight so we can give everyone abit of a heads up on it,
Charlie and leo have already gone to tonights venue with emma and the vocal coach
We put up a tweet saying:-
Cant Wait For Tonight! Whos Seeing Us In Essex?✨😉
-Leah & SherylWe then got all of our stuff and made our way towards the venue with blair and anyone else that was left behind,
On the way i had a quick chat to Ryan, Tina and Charis on whatsapp as i was bored and thought we'd give the Adf a quick update on where we are and all,
We finaly reached the venue at 3:37pm and the show started at 5pm,
We bumped into leo and charls dressing room as we got bored so we knocked and went in,
I looked around the big room taking in my surroundings,
Leo:'so what do u think'
He said popping out of another room and giving me a quick hug as I smiled,Leah:'the rooms masive'
I said looking around as Sheryl sat next to charlie who was eating
Strawberrys🍓Charlie:'it's nothing compared to our other ones'
Leo:'true the one in France is much bigger'
Since when did they tour France,
Afew minutes later a lady came and knocked on the door,
She looked about 20-23 and had red hair that honestly suited her so well!
Jade:'hey boys, you alright'
Leo:'hey jade,'
Im guessing her names jade then?
Jade:'hey girls, your leah and Sheryl im guessing, im jade I kinda just help out during tours,'
Jade:'so blair said he wants you both to come down to the stage for a quick sound check befor the gig starts'
Me and sheryl nodded In response as she went closing the door behind her,
Yeahh she's totally jordis' type..

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...