Leo:'suit yourself ill be back in a sec'
He said kissing me cheek and walking out our hotel roomAfew mins later i heard a faint knock on the door....
CARRY ON......
I walked up to the door and opened it as sheryl stood their in her onzie😂
Leah:'jheez what do u want'
Sheryl:'Me and charlie are sleeping in your room cause ours is boring😂'
I laugh as i let her in and i slump back on my bed as sheryl trys to figure out how to use the tv
Sheryl:'who u texting'
She said giving up on the tvLeah:'harv'
Sheryl:'oo tell him i said hi'
Leah:' he said text him'
Leah: Sheryl said hiiiii 💕
Harv:ooo tell her to text me acc💘
Leah: Will doo💕
Harv: hows youu💘
Leah: Good ish💕
Harv: Good ish?????💘
Leah: 😂yep goodishh💕
Harv: why whats up😂💘
Leah: well i met that Emma...💜
Harv: Go on..💖
Leah: she keeps flirting with leo😂😭😂💜
Harv: jheezz😭😂💘
Leah: you dont get it😌😭😂💖
Harv: i do💕
Leah: no harvey you acc dont😒💘
Harv: i do Leah... its like when you reallyyy like someone but their closer to someone else..or have they have a bf in my matter so you cant really love them anymore yet you cant stop what your feeling..
Leah: goshh harv u kno i love you my lil harvstar😉💘
Harv: i love you too💖
leah: alwaysssss here buddyy uno i am😚💘
harv: same 2 u💘
Soon leo and charlie walked in..
Leo:'i got you some stawberrys and nuttellaaa'
He said putting it to the side
Leah:'awe tar'
I said kissing his cheekWe got all the pillows and duvets on the floor infront of the tv as charl and sheryl were sleeping in our room
the boys tried sorting the tv out as me and sheryl were texting eachother even though we were in the same room:
Sheryl: So i met emma xx
Leah: ik same...xx
Sheryl: i duno what to say about her tbh cause shes stunningg but all she ever does is flirt fgs xx
Leah: yea but your stunning too and ik she was acting asif i werent their..xx
Sheryl: i guess we just need to see how it goes i guess see what shes like and stuff xxxx
Leah: yeah tru im just sick of her and leo flirting like asddfffgghhjjjkl xxxxx
Sheryl:iky just see what happena tbh and i think we should get back to theboys😂😂xxxzx
..We left the convo their and spoke to the boys as they looked bored as anything😭😂
I went to the bathroom to quickly get changed into bed shorts and a t-shirt
then came back out and sat on the floor next to leo and the others,leo:'Youve been on your phone all day whats up?'
He said putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer toward him..Leah:'nothing,just spoke to harvey and tina and stuff'
I smiled as i faced him and our eyes metLeo:'ohh are they alright?'
he said turning to look at the tvLeah:'mmhm'
He kissed my neck as i smiled so he done it again
Charlie:'wanna play truths?'
Leo:'yeah go on'
we all played truths for about half an hour
Till we all got bored and started watching highschool musical 3
When the film ended sheryl and charlie had actually decided to go back to their own room as they wanted to spend time together😂
Jheez them two confuse me..Me and leo sat back up on our bed...
Forgot what time i set this in so lets just pertend its 10pm😂-Leah:'todays been boringg'
Leo:'has it babe'
leo:'dont worry tomorrow we have a meet and greet'
Leo:'andd befor we go ill take you shopping?'
I said looking up at himLeo:'why not'
He kissed my headA.n
On 24.04.16 sheryl met her besto sonny!
Im ac soo proud of youu bothh and the next time they meet they said i can come!! Eventhough its like 2 months away i cant wait!!
hes fit too so uno😉😂😂

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...