*Leah POV*
After about an hours ride we finaly arived at thrope park!
charlie-:'what's first ?x '. He said putting his arm around Sheryl
Sheryl-:'don't mind aslong as I'm with you'
After all the rides we decided to go get some hot dogs from a stall near by , we all chatted about what ride was our fave.
Jordi-:'let's all go on one more ride before we leave !'
Leah-:'yea, how about the ghost house'
Harvey-:'yeah lets all go in the ghost house'
We all quickly finished our hotdogs and went towards the ghost House.
We had to be in partners so it was
Me and Leo
Sheryl and Charlie
Harvey and Jordi
Me and Leo first went and sat in the cart thing..
Leah-:'Leo are you sure about this?'. I said holding onto his arm,
Leo-:'trust me you'll be fine babe'
We slowly entered in closing our eyes ,
At first their was spooky sounds and old fake ghosts
Leo-:'you okay,?'
He kissed my four head
Leah-:'yeah I'm fine '
Near the end we could slowly see daylight from the end if the tracks till a skeleton popped out and scared the life out of me,
Leah-:'SHITTttt' I Screamed
Leo-:'OMG are you okay' he tried to comfort me laughing
Leah-:'yes ✋sorry I'm fine'
We both walked out laughing...
Leah-:'its not funny leo' I moaned
Leo-:'okay ' he carried on hugging me
About 10 mins later sheryl and charlie came out then Harvey and Jordi
Sheryl-:'omg leah you should of seen Charlies face '
Leo-:'Sheryl, you should of seen leahs face '
Leo-:'okay beautiful im just joking'
he put his hand around my waist and we all went back home,
(At home)
Every one was upstairs but me and Leo were both snuggling up on the sofa,
Leah-:'oh yea teeyas coming over cause I borrowed her dress the other day'
Leo-:'who's teeya??xx'
Leah-:'just one of my best mates..'
Leo-:' oh okay'
(Door bell rings )
Leah-:' omg shes here'
I said opening the door with Leo behind me,
Teeya:'omg Leah'
She said hugging me
Leah:'omg tee x'
I hugged her back
Teeya:' leo right ?'

CasualeThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...