*Leah's POV*
I woke up in a empty bed.. Though Sheryl was in the shower but Charlie weren't here either...
I got changed and did my hair as Sheryl can out...
Leah:'Shez, do u know where the boys and tina are?'
Sheryl:'nope, probably downstairs'
Leah:'so did you sleep well?'
Sheryl:'well charlie likes to tangle our legs together so it was kina uncomfortable....'
Leah:'gosh at least you didn't have an elbow down your back'
I laughed as so did Sheryl...
I went into the bathroom washed my face and done some light make up,
I accidentally poked my eye with the mascara brushes but oh well at least my eyelashes look epic...
Me and Sheryl both searched the whole house three times and decided to give up as we found out no one was home
We sat on the sofa and text them...
No reply.
We even text Tina (my auntie), Harv, overload boys and the powpow girls but still no reply...
I went into the kitchen to get some food cause well food is lifeee and ended up making pancakes for me and Sheryl
i left a mess in the kitchen but oh well Blair wouldn't mind....
After we ate the time was about 12pm and still no one was home..
I soon got a text off Leo..
from Leo:
Hey,me and the alpha dogs had a meeting so sorry I didn't tell u, you looked so pretty sleeping we will be back in about half and hour baby, hope your not too worried xxx make sure u tell Shez too, ly xxxxxx ♡I read it out to Sheryl and put my phone back in my pocket as me and Sheryl sat wondering of what to do,
Me and Sheryl decided to go out to Starbucks for a bit so I grabbed my bag put my phone,money,keys and other crap in it and walked out making sure the door was locked.
We walked up to Starbucks and ordered our drinks and we just chatted about life and had a bit of a catch up.
The time was about 1:20pm and I got a text off Leo...
From Leo:
can't wait for the sex tonight!From Leah:
LEONDRE!!??😂😂😂😂From Leo:
OMG nooo that was sent from Jordi babe I'm sorry😭😂 Lol!xxxFrom Leah:
Still confused but okay... And tell Jordi to get a gf the loner!xxx

AcakThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...