So I was sat in train making my way back to Birmingham to where my family was,
I decided to text the others and then plug my head phones in and read their messages later,
Overload ,Harvey, Leo,Charlie ,powpow girls ,Blair,Dan and Sheryl added to chat AdfFrom Leah: Hey guys I'm sorry I ran out the house and didn't even give you a proper goodbye I feel so bad now.., it's just that I needed to have a bit if a break and spend more time with my family,xxx
From Harvey: Its okay x we understand:)
From Sheryl: Yea Leah, if you ever wanna talk I'm here for ya x
From Andy: Yep same here leah x if ya wanna chat just call or text.
From Charlie: hope ur okay beaut x
From Jordi: Hey Leah, keep hanging things will be better soon,xxx
From Leo: hey princess x keep your head up and smile ☺
From Ollie:yeah don't think about the past , its the future that counts....x
From Ryry:Yep we all miss you and Tina already x
From Dan :Hi Leah, just heard the news , RIP, I bet your mum is looking down on you right now and trust me shes very proud x
Also Blair and The PowPows are on tour but I'll keep them updated.
From Joey: Leo misses you Leah so call as soon as you get their beautiful xxx RIP xxx
From Leo:Its True ...I miss u xx
From Sheryl:Keep smiling hun x your mums so proud of you xx
I soon decided to read all the messages and they literally made me cry, x
I text back saying this:
From Leah: Thank You all soo much x I love you guys to bits and this truly made me smile, I will keep you all updated and I miss u Leo x and trust me Ryan Tina misses you too xxx love you all and hope to see you guys back in the holidays xxx ...
*Tina's POV*
I looked over at Leah and she had her headphones in and had fallen asleep listening to hopeful how sweet x
Oh poor Leah, she must be so stressed her schools starting in a few days and now her mum....
2-3hours later....
A few hours later the train had stopped and Leah woke up with red puffy eyes,
We got out and took a taxi to her house to go see how her dad was doing,
She opend the door and no one was home..?
She found a piece of paper on the glossy kitchen table,
It read:
Dear Leah,
I know you've probably just found out that your mum has died in a car crash on the way to Bristol to surprise you but I'm sadly telling you that I'm leaving...
I'm moving to America with my brother-your uncle Johnny-
Im very sorry Leah but I think it would be better off for me and you because I can't handle it any more, you brother is also coming so you will be living with your aunti Tina in Birmingham. Love you lots-daddy and RIP mummyLeah stood their stearing at the letter and tears dropping out her eyes...
I immediately hugged her as she sobbed into my shoulder,
*Leah's POV*
This was it,
Mums gone
Dads gone
Brothers gone
The only one I had was Tina and the Alpha dog Family..
I took a pic of the letter and sent it to them ,
The messages rolled in fast x
Me and my auntie went up and decided to sleep as we had a long day and our eyes were red and tired,
Leo whatsapped me,
From Leo:Are u okay?xxx
From Leah: yes I'm perfect......
From Leo: Are u still in a mood with me?......x
From Leah:I don't know okay for god sake...
From Leo: oh okayx. XGoodnight
From Leah:No wait.... Leo I'm sorry x
From Leo: it's okay, I know you going through a hard time x
From Leah: xxx thanks xxx
From Leo: iz okaii xxx Sheryl's coming tomorrow so you can hang with her xxx
From Leah:That's good xxx im tired now , going to sleep k xxx
From Leo: NOOOO don't go :( x
From Leah: whyyy xxx Leo I'm tired x
From Leo: text me tomozzo tho xxxxx
From leah: Kaykay xxx night xxx
From Leo: nightyy nightt xx
Yo x short chapter I know.. But I hope your enjoining this book so far, i might delete it cause I think no ones reading.. XLeah

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...