Dedicated chapter to my
*Charlies pov*So it was nearly time for the meet and greet,
blair text us all saying we all have half an hour befor we leave
Charlie:'Shez we have half an hour befor we leave okay?'
i said going up to her and wrapping my arms around her from behind as she was straightening her hair
We heard a knock on the door so i went to go open it,
Standing there hand in hand was leah and leo ovs
Leah:'whats up biaachh!'
She said walking in going to sheryl as leo shook his head laughing..Charlie:'you alright bro'
I said doing a hand shake thing..(idk;😂Leo:'YeYe you?'
I nodded,
Sheryl:'so meet and greets? What are they like?'
Leo:'well today we're in north park... theirs gonna be lotss of people, boys and girls'
Charlie:'some people their are like strangers so u need to be careful,err...your gonna be center of attention so people will be looking at you,judging you,and try talking to you..'
Leo:'do u remeber that meet and greet u went with us befor in london? Its a bit like that but much more people now'
Leah:'I hated that meet and greet... Nicky and Shania kinda broke us up then..'
Leo:'yeahh but they didnt did they?'
He said leaning his head on leahs and pecking her lipsCharlie:'thats tru tho their will be fans saying shit about any of us'
Sheryl:'well then maybe me and leah shouldnt go'
me and leo looked at the girls
I get why they wouldnt wanna go but they need to experience it first...
Leah:'yeah said people would be judging us and suff.. i wont like that i know i wont'
Leo:'girls please just try going first, remember you have the true fans that will be supporting you.. the first few meet and greets are always hard but you need to get use to it and stuff'
Leah and sheryl nodded saying theyd give it a try,
*Leahs pov*
We made our way downstairs as blair was there in the lobby
He told us to go sit in the tour bus.
It was only us lot in the tour bus and blair for the meet and greet.
We all took afew selfies on the tour bus and i also got to have a nice girly chat with sheryl, i told her about how we saw emma this morning.
*Leos pov*It took half an hour for us to get their,
Leo:'You okay?'
Leah:'yeahh excited but nervous'
Leo:'aw dont get yourself too nervous'
I kissed her cheekThe bus stopped and leah held on to my hand..
today was alll about the fanss!...
We walked out The Tour bus and we could already hear all the fans... we walked towards the park with blair and saw a masivee que of fans,

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...