This chapter is for Luminous_blue thanks for commenting beautiful xxx
*sheryls pov*
After the park when we got home Vic, Antonio, and Tilly were home,
Joey kept running around the house acting very panicked...
God that boy needs a break sometimes.
Joey:'Oh my god dad what are you wearing please don't embarrass me!'
Joey:'mamm please tell Tilly to stop making a mess!'
Joey:'don't talk to Mollie okay mam just say hi and that's it...'
Me and leah greeted Victoria and Antonio as i haven't seen them all day
*Leah's POV*
I went and sat on the sofa to watch TV as Tilly sat on my laps, and Charlie watched Joey go into a panic mood ...
Leah:'how was school princess?'
She whispered under her breath..?
Tilly:'oh it, I played with my friends and..and at lunch we made loom bands,'
She said fixing her eyes in the TV as I could tell she didn't wanna talk about it any more...
I hope everything was alright?....
I said making my way into the kitchen towards Victoria
Vic:'can you please get Tilly into this dress for me as Hollys coming over?'
He shouted from upstairs as he was talking to Leo or something...
Leah:'haha yea yea sure'
I went back into the living room to get Tilly,
Leah:'hey Tilly? Come upstairs yea,'
She followed me up the stairs into her room that was covered in posters of youtubers like Billy Jenks, Joe bellis, Simply Luke, Jack sims ect...(bae!)
Leah:'you mam wants you to get into this dress for dinner?'
It was baby blue and was tight from the top but comes out from the waist,
It was very pretty and would of looked nice on Matilda (Tilly...) ((...Should of said that sooner))
Tilly:'Leah I don't wanna wear it'
Leah:'aw why babe it would look nice?'
Tilly:'I don't want to tho,'
I sat down on her bed,
Leah:'what's wrong hey?, why don't you want to put on the dress?'
She looked at me with worry in her eyes..
Tilly'okay I'll put it on then'
She replied still looking worried,
I helped her get into her clothes and noticed that she had afew bruises on her arms...

RandomThis is a love fanfic about Leondre Devries from the duo Bars and Melody , It Includes all of the Alpha dog Family eg, Bam,ThePowPowGirls,Overload Generation and Harvey. if you would like to be in this fanfic please message me and I will try and rep...