Chapter 43

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Hello, fellow fanders!

I really hope you're going strong so far this year, and that you're safe. Remember that each and every one of you is a treasure, alright? Even if you don't feel like it. Remember to check the warnings and enjoy the chapter!

WARNINGS : Medication, food, OCD (I'm not sure whether it's accurate but still), I think that's it?


Honestly by now Logan should be used to this, but the sight of Virgil curled up under his blankets was too cute not to appreciate.

He had his face smushed sideways into his pillow and Logan could spot fabric creases when he shifted. Logically Logan knew that Virgil's sleeping face was comical -- a squished cheek, crusted eyes and a mouth that seemed to be constantly open -- but it was cute to him nonetheless.

Perhaps if he were Roman or Patton he would view it as stupid. Perhaps. He knew it wasn't actually cute, but it seemed that anything related to Virgil was nowadays.

He sighed as he sat up slowly, trying his best not to disturb Virgil. The other boy grumbled at the motion, moving to press his face into the warm spot Logan had left behind. Logan's heart seemed to squeeze at the sight.

He remembered leaving his phone on his side table, but there was the small problem of Virgil being there. Logan sighed and attempted to move his covers off of himself. However Virgil proved to be a problem yet again as he let out a small grunt and swung his arm over Logan's lap and nuzzled his face into his side. Adorable, but not convenient whatsoever.

He really didn't think he was flexible enough to lean over Virgil and get his phone, but he really didn't want to wake him up either. He glanced out the window for some indicator of the time, but of course, it was dark. Fuck winter.

He sighed, his hand coming up to rub his face. It was a Saturday, but he still felt an incessant itch to get out of bed and begin his routine. He's been getting better at breaking smaller rules -- letting himself be a few minutes off-schedule, placing bookmarks slightly closer to the centre of the page than the spine, but the basic urges to just be in control were still there.

He swallowed, the thought of wasted time drifting to the front of his mind.

You don't have to.

But he did.

Without thinking he leaned over and grabbed his phone. The relief he felt when his fingers wrapped around the cool plastic was near indescribable. The screen flashed to life and the numbers 7:37 illuminated the otherwise dark room. A lump appeared in his throat.

He was an hour late.

An hour late.

The thought reverberated in his head. An hour late.

Well it's not like he could do anything about it now.

He then blinked as he realised that a few months ago he would've had a near panic attack about that. It was strange how well exposure therapy worked for him, considering it was usually harder for most.

Virgil made a snuffling noise next to him, causing Logan to look down fondly. Despite being a light sleeper the other boy somehow hadn't woken up. Logan was taking a moment to appreciate Virgil being a mouth breather when his phone buzzed in his hand.

He glanced down at it to see a text from Patton pop up. He opened it.

Patton : Heyo! Are you guys up for a visit to the bakery today?

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