Chapter 44

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Hello, fellow fanders.

I'm very sorry about the wait, this chapter honestly isn't that worth it, but here you go.


"Patton I am not wearing that." Patton pouted, raising the hairpiece a little higher, as if it would convince Virgil otherwise.
"Awwww, c'mon! It would look so cuuuute!"
"I agree. You have the perfect face shape for it."
"Face shape has nothing to do with this." Patton pouts again, except this time he threw in some puppy dog eyes for good measure.

"Patton no." Virgil stepped back, his shoulder knocking into the shelves slightly as he did so.
"Oh don't be such a downer, Virgil! Besides, think about what Logan would think." he waggled his eyebrows while Virgil's face turns red, and then swore as he narrowly dodged a flying paintbrush.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving."
"Virgil, behave!"
"Sorry, dad." he replied, rolling his eyes. Patton inched closer to Virgil once more, as if the boy couldn't sense his every movement.

"...I'm not wearing it."
"Yes, you are."
"I swear on MCR-"
"I won't bake you cookies ever again." Virgil's eyes widened, and he watched Patton for a few seconds.



"Hey, Logan! Look what we did!"

"Patton, nooo." Virgil groaned as the boy dragged him toward Logan. The other boy was looking at miniature snow globes with Roman before his eyes flit to the approaching pair. Virgil heard Roman utter a soft 'Yessssss' as he saw what they were wearing.

"Say one word, and I'll kill you."

Logan smiles in response, holding back a chuckle as he surveys Virgil. Virgil felt heat rise in his face, and looked off to the side almost angrily.

"Aaaah you got him to do it." Roman declared, as if he knew that it would happen. "And I must say, Pat, you look dashing as well." Patton chuckled, looping his arm through Roman's.

"Why thank you." The two of them made their way into a different aisle, finally in search of the materials Ray wanted. This was great for Ray, but it did leave Virgil and Logan very much alone, with a purple and grey flower crown perched lopsidedly on Virgil's head. He shoved his hands into his pockets, a movement that didn't go unnoticed by the other.

"I didn't take you for a flower crown person, if I'm being honest." Logan said, his eyes lighting up as he looked at the head piece appreciatively.
"I'm not." Virgil groaned in response. "Pat forced me into it."
"Oh I heard. It was a very... entertaining conversation." Virgil's face heated up, and he huffs angrily.

"Not a word, four eyes." Logan's grin stretched wider.
"Not. A. Word."

Logan chuckled.

"Fine. But you have to keep it." Virgil splutters.

"That was the bet, was it not? Patton said that you had to get the flower crown, otherwise he wouldn't bake you cookies anymore."

"As if I can't bake cookies." Virgil muttered, kicking his foot out.
"You can't. You tried once, remember."
"I could learn."
"Patton didn't allow you near his oven mitts for the next week, Virgil. His oven mitts."

"Shut up."

Logan snorted, and picked up a snow globe. "Does this remind you of Patton?" Virgil watched the snow as it swirled on it's way down. Seated in the middle of it was a white cat, wearing round glasses with blue patches across it's fur. He grins.

"Duh, it has the colour scheme and everything."
"What colour scheme?"

Virgil turns to see Patton coming out of the aisle, holding what looked to be around five bags of red plastic feathers. Logan's eyebrow creased.

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