Chapter 4

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Hello, fellow Fanders! ( I used correct punctuation this time. Hehe.)


This is chapter four, thanks again if you're reading this, and constructive criticism is appreciated! Please check over the warnings if you can be sensitive to some topics, I wouldn't want you amazing people to get hurt! :)

WARNINGS : Mentions of medication/pills, feeling like a burden, social anxiety, jokes about death/suicide, let me know if there are any others!


"Virgil...VIRGIL!" Virgil groaned, tugging his mound of blankets back over his head. His tired brain could only make two connections right now, bed = warm. Out of bed = eating a Popsicle in the middle of winter in Antarctica. Virgil heard a sigh from outside of his fluff tortilla, accompanied by a lecture from his roommate. 

"Virgil, it is approximately 8 o'clock, I have been awake since seven, and since then you have browsed Tumblr, re-arranged your bedsheets twice, and snoozed your alarm five time before throwing it across the room. Breakfast is only available for another hour, and yet you have not set foot outside of your bed. Don't you think it's around time to consider getting up?" 
"Just because your right doesn't make it any easier. How come you haven't left, anyway?" groaned Virgil, sitting up slowly. Logan blinked. 

"You have anxiety. It seems a bit unfair to abandon you on the first day of school." Virgil could feel heat rush to his face. First proper day, and I've already managed to be a burden. 
"You really didn't have-"
"I know. I wanted to. If I am bothering you, however-"

"No!" the word had tumbled from Virgil's lips before he knew what he was saying. The two stared at each other, a soft hazel gazing into a hypnotizing blue. Virgil felt his face go even darker. 

"Uh, I mean, i-it's fine." he mumbled, his voice barely audible. "Thanks." If it were possible, his voice was even quieter. His roommate, however, just gave him a small smile. 
"It's my pleasure. Not a morning person, are you."

His limbs felt like someone has sewn them open and placed leads inside, and his head seemed heavier than usual today, something that was not helped by the fact his neck felt like a piece of silk ribbon. 

Yeah. You could say he wasn't a morning person.

Virgil turned his head toward his roommate, who was towering over him impeccably dressed, and surveying him disapprovingly. Virgil kept his gaze locked on those unblinking metallic eyes; a contest which he eventually lost. 

Logan's lip quirked in a small smile as Virgil dragged himself out of bed, shuddering as his feet hit the frigid floor. Logan turned around and strode purposefully to his desk, sitting down in a swift movement.

"Don't take too long," he said, his eyes already fixed on his laptop screen. "The food will go cold." 


The two were an odd couple as they battled against the September wind. One of them looked more like a faculty member, while the other a teen who was still emo in 2020. Virgil welcomed the warmth of the dining hall as it enveloped him, driving the last of the autumn chill from his bones. 

Despite the fact classes started in half an hour, what seemed to be most of the students were still sitting around and chatting. A few late-comers like Virgil were standing at the buffet table, spooning tureens of porridge and and other warming dishes onto their plates. 

Virgil made a beeline for what seemed to be scrambled eggs. He spooned a bit onto his plate, accompanied by two pieces of toast and a mug full of coffee. He then walked over to a seat at the end of a table, one of the only places that was free of food spills. Avoiding his table-mates gazes, he started spooning eggs onto his toast, and shoving them in his mouth. 

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