Chapter 19

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Hello, fellow Fanders!

I'm sorry this chapter is a day late, we had family-friends over for the weekend, so I couldn't really get any writing done.

Also, I found a duet of Omae Wa Mou, it makes for great background music! Also also, I found this one picture of Aizawa with a cat and he had glasses on and it was so cuteeeeeee!!!

WARNINGS : Mentions of medicine, I think that's it.


It was stupid, really. Only meant to be a harmless prank. So of course it would backfire and explode back into Virgil's face. School was going to start a bit later that day due to a teacher meeting, so hypothetically they should have had enough time to get ready, even if they did sleep in a teensy tinsy bit.

It wasn't his fault, alright. Logan looked really cute when he was sleeping! And maybe he was being a bit hypocritical, seeing as he chewed Logan out for watching him sleep... but this was Logan. Surely delaying his alarm wouldn't do too much damage, especially seeing as the dude's circadian rhythm would wake him up anyway, right?

Wrong. So very wrong.

Which is why Virgil was awoken the next day to a very panicked Logan running around a very ruffled-looking room.

Virgil groaned and dragged his quilt over his head but even through around seven blankets Logan's hurried footsteps rang clear. Virgil poked his bed head out of his fluff tortilla to glance at the time; it read 8:00. Virgil looked at Logan, who was tying his tie at an inhuman speed.

"Oi specs, why the rush?" Logan whirled around to shoot a glare at a smirking Virgil, who sat up in his bed to glance over the ruffled teen.

Logan's was dressed surprisingly casually today. Black jeans with a cotton button up over them, with a tie thrown haphazardly around his neck.

Damn he looks good.

"Virgil," Logan hissed, stalking toward him with an affronted expression. "What the hell was going through your mind to make you delay my alarm for half an hour?" Virgil bit back a laugh at the other boy's expression.

Virgil smiled, cheekily in response, not backing down from the staring contest that they were currently having.

"Well... How do ya know it was me who did it?"
"Virgil we literally live in a dorm." sighed Logan, rubbing his forehead. "Together. Who else would it have been?"
"I dunno, Logan. Roman and Pat have been in here a couple times." he replied with his tongue in his cheek.
"Shut it, emo."
"Stooping to Princey's level? I'm ashamed of you." Logan merely groaned, flipping Virgil off before moving back to his vanity.

"Anway, are you going to take a shower?"
"Nah." Logan raised an eyebrow. "Chill. I'll take one later."
"If you say so." he hummed, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. He frowned at his reflection before addressing Virgil again.

"Is there a hairdresser nearby?" Virgil cocked his head at the unexpected question.
"Come again?"
"Do you know if there's a hairdresser nearby? Like, in the town or something. My hair's getting annoyingly long." Virgil regarded Logan's reflection with interest and slightly pink ears.

He would be lying if he said he hadn't noticed the length of Logan's hair, but the way his bangs fell into his eyes was one of Virgil's favourite things to stare at. God he was pathetic.

"Uh, I dunno." Logan let out a disappointed huff, his nose scrunching cutely. Virgil decided that this was a good time to kick his covers off; if he didn't do something he was probably going to do something stupid.

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