Chapter 7

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As you can probably tell, this is chapter 7 of Queer 'n Crazy. Please look over the tags, just to make sure you don't end up reading something triggering, and thank you so much if you are reading this! Just in case you can't read it, I'll leave a small summary of the chapter at the bottom. (I probably should've been doing this since chapter 1.)

Sorry this is a day late, by the way!

WARNINGS : Mentions of anxiety, a strange childhood, I think that's it. 


Virgil's gaze was directed at the stark-white pages of his sketchbook, but his hand stayed still on the edge of his desk. He chewed on his bottom lip agressivly, and his leg was bouncing underneath the table. A purple mechanical pencil swung between his pale fingers. The ticking of the clock should have been drowned out by his classmates chatter, but it was all Virgil could hear; a countdown to his doom.

The assignment itself was quite simple. A simple sketch, no colour neccessary. In your own art style, draw something you cherish. It could be from your childhood, it could be something you received yesterday. But it had to be an inanimate object.

Needless to say, Virgil was stumped. 

"Alright, may I have your attention for a moment?" Phrased like a question, spoken like a command. Virgil's head shot up, fixing on their art teacher's broad frame. His heart bet a tattoo into the cavern of his chest and his lip chewing sped up. Was their time up already?

Mrs Strene was holding a square slip of violet paper in her hand, and consulting it quietly. A short, stringy-haired girl stood in the corner of the classroom, avoiding their gazes. Virgil's heart rate slowed and increased simultaniously. So he wasn't in trouble, he was just going to die. 


"Virgil Grant and Emily Zhou to the therapy building," She glanced up at them, her eyes fixing on Virgil, and then flitting to a girl in the row in front of him. She smiled. "You have 10 minutes to get there, alright?" 

Virgil felt his throat tighten, and he swallowed, his mouth unbearably dry. He turned around awkwardly, making what he thought was the loudest noise possible, and swept his supplies into his bag. He stood up, his chair scraping against the floor, and swung his bag over his shoulder. By this point the noise level had returned to normal, something that gave Virgil sweet relief.

Still, he kept his eyes fixed on his black-laced shoes, and made his way to the front of the classroom. Emily was standing in the doorway, watching him patiently. Oh shit, she wants to walk with me? He glanced at Mrs Strene, who looked at him questioningly. 

"Yes, Virgil?" Her tone was gentle, but it did nothing to lessen Virgil's nerves. 
"Um- I kinda..."
"Didn't finish the task?" She looked at him softly, her lips quirking into a small smile. Try as he might, Virgil couldn't detect a hint of anger in her expression. He swallowed, the tension in his shoulders losening slightly. He nodded, to which Mrs Stene let out a small chuckle. 

"Don't worry about it, dear. But try to finish it by next Tuesday, alright? We can't have you falling behind this early, can we!" Virgil tried for a smile back, but it didn't really turn out right. "Now, do you know your way to the building?" 
"Um, not really, but I have a map." 
"That will do nicely." she said kindly. "Hurry along, now. Wouldn't want you to be late!"

Virgil smiled back, properly this time, and turned to the doorway where his next challenge stood. Emily smiled at him, pushing the door open. 

"Thanks." Virgil muttered, slipping past her into the corridor. Despite his worries, Virgil found himself waiting for Emily on the other side. 

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