Chapter 14

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Hello, fellow Fanders! 

I've had All The Good Girls Go To Hell stuck in my head a lot recently, meaning I've been muttering it under my breath, and I'm pretty sure my sister thinks I'm possessed now. What do???

WARNINGS: Overgeneralizing, slight insecurity, swearing, teasing people about a crush, Virgil being a mess. 


"-think of this as a practise for your midterm assesment. You will be working in pairs to develop a piece of music in an ABA format. It should be around two minutes long, and be in one of the keys written on the board." The man addressing the class gestured to the whiteboard behind him. 

"I know this is a stressful time for you all, but that is no reason to stop your learning. How you develop the music and the genre is completely up to you. You have three weeks worth of lessons to complete this, but I strongly suggest you use this period for planning. Any questions?"

Virgil tuned out of the conversation by this point, not bothered to listen to his classmates questions. His conversation with Picani floating to the forefront of his mind, making the rest of the room background noise. 

"There really is no reason to worry, Virgil. Having a lack of information is by no means easy to swallow, but it is not neccessarily bad."

"But are you sure you don't know anything?" The man looked at him with a quiet mix of concern and sympathy. 

"If I did, I would tell you. Trust me. The entire things quite secretive, after all. We don't know exactly what happened."

What did he mean by secretive?


Virgil jolted, whirling around in his seat to face Patton. The blue boy was watching him with a concerned expression. Virgil realised that the rest of their class had already broken off to do the project. 

"Are you okay, Virgil?"
"Uh... I'm fine, Pat." When Patton's expression didn't change, Virgil added a "Really." While his friend still didn't seem satisfied, he dropped the subject. 

"Do you want to work together for the project? You can say no, of course." 
"Sure, Pat." The other boy beamed. 

Why would Virgil say no? They were friends, weren't they? Well, Virgil hoped they were friends, they did hang out with Logan and Roman a lot after all... Still, it was silly of Virgil to slap a label on it like that. For all he knew, Patton was just tolerating him. He was probably just too nice to say no to him-

"Virgil, are you sure you're alright?" Virgil started and found himself staring into warm hazel eyes. A heavy knot sat at the pit of his stomach.
"I'm all good, Pat." He gave himself a little shake, before taking out a pencil and a notepad. "So how do you want to go about the project?"

"Virgil, that was the second time you've spaced out this period, are you sure you're okay?" Virgil felt his jaw tense. 
"I'm fine, Pat. Honest. But we are supposed to be planning, so..."

"Oh, sorry!" said Patton, a small blush dusting his cheeks. Virgil could tell he was still worried, but the mention of the project was enough to get him to move on. 


By the time the two left their lesson they had a reasonable plan laid out. The two had decided it was best they did their project more digitally, as neither could play instuments that well, and they'd found a suitable software. While it was an all in all fruitful lesson, the knot in Virgil's stomach had refused to retreat.

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