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Chapter Song: The Sky Under the Sea- Pierce the Veil.

Note: I do listen to a bit rock, and as i was writing this chapter, this song was playing and it kind of put the mood of this chapter so enjoy x


Bella let me make love to you.

Those seven words lingered in the air. His raspy hoarse voice was toxic and somehow all I wanted was to give myself to the man I loved at 4 am with my shattered heart. Because I knew that he was mine and I was his.

I stared into his emerald eyes, the color of them mixed with lust and I felt myself lost in a world of complete desire for him. His eyes drooped and some how I found my voice. "Make love to me Harry." I manage a whisper. His lips connected with mine in a swift move, my arms locking around his neck, wanting him ever so close to me. But he pulled away too soon. "Lets go to your room. I want this perfect for you," He pecked my lips and took my hands in his, leading us to my room. He closed the door and I could already feel my pulse quicken.

Harry walks up to me, taking my jittery hands into his large ones. His lips mold with mine, pulling back for enough space to speak. "Do you want this Bella?" He asks, his voice quieter and unsure. I nod, not trusting my voice. His eyes stare into mine and he bites his lip, stepping back. "Undress for me," He rasped slowly.

Those few words caused a fire to erupt in my stomach, my toes curled but I did as he wanted. Slowly, I peeled my shirt off, leaving me in my lace bra. I slowly took my pants off, and could hear Harry curse under his breath which caused my body to flame.

All that was left on me was my undergarments, my cheeks blushing knowing that Harry was surely loosing his mind, his composure, himself.

I looked at him, his teeth grapsed his bottom lip, and he swiftly pulled his black tee off. The ink on his skin was perfectly flawless. The butterfly tattoo somehow utterly touchable.

The swallows caused him to be a little more angelic. The tattoos on his arm coated him completely, and all I wanted was to touch him.

Harry started to unbuckle his belt, but didn't take his pants off. He started to get closer to me, his hands on my hips, then just at the hem of my panties. His breath was felt on my ear. "I'm going to make you feel so good baby," Harrys' dark dominant side some how crept through my room and entered him; a thrill ran its way up my spine. My hands went to his shoulder blades grasping tightly.

My chest rose in quick breaths as he slowly peeled my panties off; bendning down just enough to kiss the skin of my hip. He nipped the flesh softly, humming he says, "So soft, so delicate," My fingers tugged his hair; a moan escaping his plush lips. I gasped when I felt his tongue on my pubic line. "You're making this difficult Bella," He stood back up, and quickly connected our lips together, unclasping my bra, the straps falling off my shoulders.

He peeled them off and stepped back enough for him to drink me in. "Jesus Christ," He breathed.  I blushed incredibly and he was enjoying it as he slowly lowered me on the bed, ducking his head and kissing every where he could. He kissed my collar bones to my neck and up my jaw, to just below my ear where that spot killed me like always when he sucked. My hands found their way into his hair, pulling the nape of his neck. "Bella," He moaned from his throat. I gasped as I felt him rock his hips against mine, his hands on my breasts, kneading them with a strong pressure.

I could already feel him, he was loosing it, as much as I was.

My hands were grasping his side, my thigh on his torso. I fet his hand hold it, while the other pulled out from his pants his wallet. A foil pack was out and in his hand, taking his jeans off completely with his boxers.

I swallowed as I took the beautiful man in. Tanned skin, tattoos and all. Freckles scattered here and there. His muscles prominent as for his v- lines that lead the line of hair down to the area that was my first time ever seeing.

He was so big. How was that suppose to fit.....

But he was like some kind of sad angel that found his way towards me and maybe I was just that lucky when I met him.

Was it possible for a human to be this flawless? This imperfectly perfect person was giving me a part of him I knew was hard to give.

He teared the foil wrapper and slipped the thin piece on his length. I sucked in a breath as he began to position himself, his hands holding my waist ever so tightly. Our chests touched and his breath was felt on my lips. "Tell me if it hurts okay?" I nod, my hand on his neck. "Just...kiss me please," I close my eyes as I feel him at my entrance, slowly, he slipped himself in me, filling me up and making me whole in a way that I could die breathlessly.

I gasped and tugged on his neck as he thrusted in me slowly. He grunted lowly. "God, baby you're so tight." He  breathed as his lips touched mine. We weren't kissing but his lips were a distraction from the sting down there.

Tears pricked my eyes as he thrusted again, and I felt myself stretch at this foreign feeling. "Harry," I breathed as his hips met with mine in a rock.

Harrys' hand held my thigh as he let out a gasped moan. "Bella---fuck , I love you," He rocked his hips in a rhythm that was powerfully raw and I felt myself loosing it.

I let out a small cry as he thrusted deeper. "I'm sorry, fuck, I-"

I held his face. "No, please keep going." I closed my eyes and touched his lips with mine, my eyes watering as they were closed.

Each thrust he made, caused a small gasp to leave my lips.

I knew he was trying his hardest not to go too hard, or too fast, but I also knew he hasn't had this in a long time, and he needed to be whole again.

He went in once more, his finger tips digging in the flesh of my thigh, driving deeper and deeper.

We fit perfectly, and he was my missing puzzle piece.

My breath hitched as I soon felt my high, moaning Harrys name in breaths. He soon met his high, thrusting out his orgasm. "Bella....I love you so much," He kissed my neck and sucked as he continued to rock his hips.


After getting down from our high, Harrys body layed effortlessly on mine, him tucking a piece of my damp hair behind my ear. "Was that okay?" He asked as a whisper. I nodded, blushing slightly. "Yeah, um thank you," Harry chuckled, and kissed my jaw. "I love you," The words seemed to melt out of his mouth like hot honey and slipped into the air as a warm breeze at that moment. My lips connected with his, molding perfectly as I mumbled "I love you more," He nudged his nose with mine and smiled. I gave him a small sheepish smile, watching as he got up.

I tried to sit up, but a sting was felt. "Dammit," I hissed. Harry looked down at me. "You okay love?" His voice was still raspy and I quite frankly found it heart throbbing. I nod slowly. "Yeah, yeah, I just need to lie down a bit," I blushed as I saw his dimpled smirk that I fell in love with.

Quick note: I hope you guys liked it!!!!! I tried making it as detailed as possible. All the love x

Twitter- @loverstylesxx

Instagram- @stylesloverforeverx

P.s if there are any mistakes im terribly sorry. I will edit it later on x

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