Partner In Crime

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It was passionate and full of lust. The second we got to our new house, we barely made it in, our hands never leaving each other. Our clothes sprawled in different spots of the living room. Harry's flannel was underneath me as he slowly peeled the last layer separating the barrier between us. I looked up at the beautiful angel, ink swirled all over, the moon light catching him just through the crack of the window. He lowered himself, every inch of him touching me. I felt his excitement touching my thigh, and I let my hips grind against his, a small throaty groan escaping his plump lips.

My hand grabbed his neck pulling him close to me, lips touching breaths hitting each other. His lips finally molded with mine, tongue grazing my bottom lip, biting, kneading. I let out a small whimper as his fingers grazed my core, pushing in, his name leaving my lips. "Harry.." His lips attacked my neck and down my collarbone, biting harshly. I tugged harder at the impact of his teeth grazing and the way his fingers pumped in and out of me, his rings were adding another sensation and I felt like I was gonna come close already.

My eyes failed to stay open as I was having a hard time catching my breath. "You okay?" Harry's reassurance made my body warm automatically and I let out a gasp as he pumped again, hitting a spot I didn't know was there. "Yes, God.."

I felt his lips against my forehead, pecking sofly as they came against my own, thankfully, or I thought I was gonna lose it.

Our lips barely moved as I soon came, "God,"

I opened my eyes and saw Harry lick his fingers and I blushed terribly at the stomach clenching sight. He smirked as he saw my reaction and I only groaned. "Harry, this isn't the time for teasing." He only let out a low chuckle, but he stopped as soon as my hips met with his, creating a friction that caused his erection to grow incredibly hard against my thigh. "Fuck," He growled as he lowered his face in the crook of my neck. My hand grapsed onto his bicep, his hand griping my soft flesh. I felt him against my entrance; brushing soflty.

I let out a whimper, then he fully pushed in me, stretching me deliciously and beautifully, that my mouth parted and both of us gasped. "You good, baby," Harry's words made a fire build up in the pit of my stomach, and I rose my hips meeting with his in a rough thrust. His fingertips dug deep in my thigh, wrapping it around his torso high enough to go deeper.

I felt his tip hit a spot deep within and a small cry left my lips. Realization hit me harder than ever that he wasn't wearing a condom and I soon started to panick. "No...condom Harry," His eyes met mine. "I'll pull out before coming," I nodded as he began to increase his speed, my other hand slamming against the hard wood floor, cursing out a profanity. "Shit!" My hips created more friction, as he thrusted deeper, in and out. I let my hand trail up his bicep and up to his neck, my fingers tangling in his thick curls, tugging harshly as he thrusted deeper, his hips connecting harshly with mine.

I heard him moan as I tugged again, his dark eyes opening, meeting my own. Sweat formed on his brow, his skin clammy, my hand going to his back, nails digging in his flesh. Harry let out a low grunt as our hips met with his last thrust, my stomach finally coming undone, loosing myself and reaching my high. Harry continued to thrust quickly and sloppier, indicating he was close. I brushed the pieces of hair that had fallen over his eyes, watching him come close. "Come for me baby," I whisper breathlessly.

My name left his lips as he pulled out, his pleasure spurting out onto my stomach. His hand continued to slide up and down his shaft, finishing off his orgasm. The sight was turning me on and I needed to look away or I was gonna feel another release. But I couldn't. Watching the sight of my lover coming undone, brows furrowed, lip bit by his teeth, eyes shut tightly as he groaned, then opening his eyes, meeting my own; he was intensively exotic. Harry let out another growl. "Fuck...c'mere," His low rasp made a shiver of excitement flow through me and I scooted closer to the beautiful man. His free hand grabbed mine, wrapping it around his shaft. He brought me closer to him, his hand on my lower back, his lips near my ear.

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