You won't lose me

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I was completely falling into place finally. I was finally going to be happy without a damn thing interfering. Except one thing--getting April behind fucking bars.

But that didn't matter now. Today Bella and I were moving in together. She was over at her house packing up, her friend was over there with her...what was her name..Sophie? Yeah, guess so. Louis' stepsister.

I didn't want Bella to be alone in the house by herself and she understood why I wanted someone with her while she packed. I would've stayed with her but, most of my shit was in piles at my flat, and I was having trouble putting things in the right place. I grabbed my phone, dialling her number.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice sent mind frenzied springs all over--not just my mind--and she was moving around...I could tell by her breathless state.

"Hi beautiful," I rasped into the phone, a grin making its way onto my face. "Hi," She replied. I heard the smile in her voice and my stomach was doing summersaults.

I was whipped.

I didn't mind, though.

"How's packing going?" I heard something drop on her line, her voice throwing a profanity in the air. "Fucking shit," She swore. I lightly laughed. "I barely hear you curse, but damn, can't say it doesn't turn me on."

"Oh hush, ugh I think it broke," She was talking to Sophie, I knew it because Sophie was trying to calm her down. "What broke?" I asked, folding the last of piece of clothing, and zipping up my suitcase.

Now to the bigger things. Yippee. Rolling my eyes I grab a box. I look in the cabinets.

Fuck. Too much shit.

"Um, it's one of my foundations, damn. Now I have a mess to clean up, and I had to get another bottle of foundation. Just great," She sounded frustrated and I found it cute.

"Love, calm down. We'll go later tonight if you'd like, and get you another one."

"Fine," She sighs. "How's the packing going with you? Since you can already tell mine is going just fabulous!" Bella's sarcastic side broke out and I bursted into a fit of laughter.

Calm your shit Styles.

"Alright, sorry, you're just amusing when you're collected." I hear her scoff. "So much for answering my question."

I smirk. "It's fine, packing is going fine, just have few more things that I gotta pack up then I'll head over."

"S'fine, you don't need to," She mumbled. "Oh, alright."

"I-I mean if you want you can, but I don't need help."

A small pause.

"I want to come, I miss you already," She was quiet on the other end. "M'miss you more," She didn't sound her self, and I was starting to worry. "Belle, you okay?"

"Yeah...m'fine, don't worry." I furrowed my brows, leaning on the counter. "Baby, are you know, moving in with me- because-"

"What? No!" She cut me off, "I'll tell you when you come over," I had an unsettling feeling in my stomach, something was definitely wrong.

"Alright, I'll see you later," I told her. "Yeah..okay of course. I love you." I smiled lightly. "I love you beautiful," I closed the line and started wrapping up all the plates and cups and silverware in newspapers and putting them in the box, labeling them, Fragile.

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